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Rebels and Rage: Reflecting on #FeesMustFall

Tekijä: Adam Habib

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
Adam Habib, vice-chancellor of Wits University and the most prominent and outspoken university official during the recent student protests, takes a characteristically frank view of the past three years on South Africa's university campuses in this new book. He focuses on the student protests at Wits, drawing on his own intimate involvement and negotiations with the students, and records university management and government responses to the events. He critically examines the student movement and individual student leaders who emerged under the banner #FeesMustFall, dicusses how to achieve truly progressive social change in South Africa, on our campuses and off, and reimagines the future of South African higher education. Rebels and Rage is both a historical account of a tempestuous time and a thoughtful reflection on the issues the protests kicked up from Habib's perspective not only as a high-ranking member of university management, but also as a political scientist and intellectual.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatian_gadd, henriquesstafford, NomadNicky

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Adam Habib, vice-chancellor of Wits University and the most prominent and outspoken university official during the recent student protests, takes a characteristically frank view of the past three years on South Africa's university campuses in this new book. He focuses on the student protests at Wits, drawing on his own intimate involvement and negotiations with the students, and records university management and government responses to the events. He critically examines the student movement and individual student leaders who emerged under the banner #FeesMustFall, dicusses how to achieve truly progressive social change in South Africa, on our campuses and off, and reimagines the future of South African higher education. Rebels and Rage is both a historical account of a tempestuous time and a thoughtful reflection on the issues the protests kicked up from Habib's perspective not only as a high-ranking member of university management, but also as a political scientist and intellectual.

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