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Lisa Kane: A Novel of Werewolves / The Princes of Earth: A Science Fiction Novel (Wildside Double #12)

Tekijä: Richard A. Lupoff

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In the tradition of the old "Ace Doubles" two-in-one books (flip one over to read the second title)--here is the twelfth Wildside Double: LISA KANE: A NOVEL OF WEREWOLVES, by Richard A. Lupoff. Lisa is a 12-year-old girl with all the worries of any normal girl beginning the transition to womanhood. She's frightened by the changes happening to her body--the budding breasts, the stiff black hairs that appear on the back of her hands, and the way her nails twist to look like claws during the full moon. Is this normal? Why is she so different from everyone else? Scott A. Culp says: "A good book...that does not deserve to be forgotten." THE PRINCES OF EARTH: A SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL, by Michael Kurland. Adam Warrington is a young man from a repressive plant in the grasp of fundamental Puritanism. Then he's accepted by the University of Sol on Mars, and his great adventure begins. On the way there his spaceship is hijacked by a disgruntled noble who wants to overthrow the emperor, and Adam is forced to choose sides. A grand tale in the tradition of Robert A. Heinlein. A Young Adult Literary Guild Selection.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatmacabrelibrarian

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In the tradition of the old "Ace Doubles" two-in-one books (flip one over to read the second title)--here is the twelfth Wildside Double: LISA KANE: A NOVEL OF WEREWOLVES, by Richard A. Lupoff. Lisa is a 12-year-old girl with all the worries of any normal girl beginning the transition to womanhood. She's frightened by the changes happening to her body--the budding breasts, the stiff black hairs that appear on the back of her hands, and the way her nails twist to look like claws during the full moon. Is this normal? Why is she so different from everyone else? Scott A. Culp says: "A good book...that does not deserve to be forgotten." THE PRINCES OF EARTH: A SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL, by Michael Kurland. Adam Warrington is a young man from a repressive plant in the grasp of fundamental Puritanism. Then he's accepted by the University of Sol on Mars, and his great adventure begins. On the way there his spaceship is hijacked by a disgruntled noble who wants to overthrow the emperor, and Adam is forced to choose sides. A grand tale in the tradition of Robert A. Heinlein. A Young Adult Literary Guild Selection.

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