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Jews On Trial

Tekijä: Michael J. Bazyler

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
From antiquity to the present day, Jews have had to defend themselves against specious charges ranging from ritual murder to treason., From the Marrano physician who was a model for Shakespeare's Shylock to the Holocaust scholar who was sued by a Nazi sympathizer, a new book Jews on Trial describes some notorious cases of anti-Semitism in diverse official settings. The notorious cases of Alfred Dreyfus in France, Mendel Beilis in the Ukraine and Leo Frank in the American South are considered anew, along with the accusation of murder against simple Leopold Hilsner, the Supreme Court nomination of Louis Brandeis, the world shaking trial of the Rosenbergs and the yet unresolved matter of Jonathan Pollard. There are true villains and surprising heroes. Each case is discussed by a uniquely qualified scholar or lawyer.… (lisätietoja)

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From antiquity to the present day, Jews have had to defend themselves against specious charges ranging from ritual murder to treason., From the Marrano physician who was a model for Shakespeare's Shylock to the Holocaust scholar who was sued by a Nazi sympathizer, a new book Jews on Trial describes some notorious cases of anti-Semitism in diverse official settings. The notorious cases of Alfred Dreyfus in France, Mendel Beilis in the Ukraine and Leo Frank in the American South are considered anew, along with the accusation of murder against simple Leopold Hilsner, the Supreme Court nomination of Louis Brandeis, the world shaking trial of the Rosenbergs and the yet unresolved matter of Jonathan Pollard. There are true villains and surprising heroes. Each case is discussed by a uniquely qualified scholar or lawyer.

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