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Our Tarot: A Guidebook and Deck Featuring Notable Women in History

Tekijä: Sarah Shipman

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
9-2,025,374 (4)-
Packaged in a deluxe, shrink-wrapped keepsake box--featuring a magnetic closure, ribbon, and guidebook--an innovative and stunning full-color feminist tarot deck that connects 78 notable women from history with the traditional archetypes and meanings associated with each tarot card. A groundbreaking blend of history, feminism, and the mystical arts, Our Tarot is a unique, specially designed tarot deck with cards that feature an intricate collage portrait of dozens of powerful women who have helped shape history. Each card conveys the energy, messages, and symbolism its figure brings to the deck.  The set includes a full-color guidebook that offers a concise history of the tarot deck, an explanation of the deck and the significance of the cards, and tips on interpreting each, with instructive sample spreads to guide you. It explains the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana and their chronology, offers biographies that link each woman's life story, accomplishments, and traits with the card she represents, and explains the card's relevance in a reading. Originally self-published, Our Tarot was praised by the Huffington Post, which called it "a stunning deck . . . [that] honors a wide range of intersectional feminist champions." This fully revised edition includes 25 new entries; a refreshed design; and a full-color printing. In addition, each card from the deck serves as an interior portrait.  Each card in Our Tarot is inspired by the traditional meanings of the mystic Tarot and is represented by a woman (or group of women) who has influenced the world. These diverse women come from all eras in history, from 1300 BCE to the late twentieth century, and represent many ethnicities, creeds, socioeconomic classes, sexualities, ages, and abilities. Some of the women honored include Jane Addams, Benazir Bhutto, Lucrezia Borgia, Anne Frank, Frida Kahlo, Beatrix Potter, Florence Nightingale, nefertari, Elizabeth I, Cleopatra, Marie Curie, Zora Neale Hurston, Sophie Scholl, Cleopatra, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Ida B. Wells.  Contents include: Four-color, high-quality gift box with magnetic closure Four-color tarot deck in card box, set into an interior well with lift-out ribbon Four-color guidebook featuring biographies of all 78 women and their relevance to the deck with 5 black-and-white illustrations and 85 full-color images throughout  Sheet with image of the components … (lisätietoja)

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Packaged in a deluxe, shrink-wrapped keepsake box--featuring a magnetic closure, ribbon, and guidebook--an innovative and stunning full-color feminist tarot deck that connects 78 notable women from history with the traditional archetypes and meanings associated with each tarot card. A groundbreaking blend of history, feminism, and the mystical arts, Our Tarot is a unique, specially designed tarot deck with cards that feature an intricate collage portrait of dozens of powerful women who have helped shape history. Each card conveys the energy, messages, and symbolism its figure brings to the deck.  The set includes a full-color guidebook that offers a concise history of the tarot deck, an explanation of the deck and the significance of the cards, and tips on interpreting each, with instructive sample spreads to guide you. It explains the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana and their chronology, offers biographies that link each woman's life story, accomplishments, and traits with the card she represents, and explains the card's relevance in a reading. Originally self-published, Our Tarot was praised by the Huffington Post, which called it "a stunning deck . . . [that] honors a wide range of intersectional feminist champions." This fully revised edition includes 25 new entries; a refreshed design; and a full-color printing. In addition, each card from the deck serves as an interior portrait.  Each card in Our Tarot is inspired by the traditional meanings of the mystic Tarot and is represented by a woman (or group of women) who has influenced the world. These diverse women come from all eras in history, from 1300 BCE to the late twentieth century, and represent many ethnicities, creeds, socioeconomic classes, sexualities, ages, and abilities. Some of the women honored include Jane Addams, Benazir Bhutto, Lucrezia Borgia, Anne Frank, Frida Kahlo, Beatrix Potter, Florence Nightingale, nefertari, Elizabeth I, Cleopatra, Marie Curie, Zora Neale Hurston, Sophie Scholl, Cleopatra, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Ida B. Wells.  Contents include: Four-color, high-quality gift box with magnetic closure Four-color tarot deck in card box, set into an interior well with lift-out ribbon Four-color guidebook featuring biographies of all 78 women and their relevance to the deck with 5 black-and-white illustrations and 85 full-color images throughout  Sheet with image of the components 

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