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Life Cycles: Everything from Start to Finish…

Life Cycles: Everything from Start to Finish (DK Life Cycles) (vuoden 2020 painos)

Tekijä: DK (Tekijä), Sam Falconer (Kuvittaja)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1382200,939 (4.2)-
This book for kids aged 8 and above takes an innovative look at the circle of life including animals, dinosaurs, stars, volcanoes, and even YOU. Everything has a beginning and an end, but what happens in between? Each spread focuses on at least one life cycle. Meet dolphins jumping in the ocean waves, penguins travelling on the ice, and butterflies fluttering in the sky. Shoot back in time 4.5 billion years to see how planet Earth was formed and then leap into the future to see what happens when stars die. You'll take a closer look at the life cycles of environments, too. Discover how a river forms and changes over time. Find out how a tree grows and all of the other life cycles it supports within it. See the amazing sculptures the oceans make out of cliffs. Dive beneath the surface to see how coral reefs form, and what causes them to die. Follow the life cycles of weather - from water cycles to ice ages, to give you a better grasp of the climate situation we find ourselves in now. From the single-celled amoeba to how the Earth has formed, the life cycles in this book have been carefully chosen to give you an amazing overview of the universe, and how everything is inevitably linked. Filled with facts to amaze your friends as well as beautifully detailed illustrations by Sam Falconer and stunning photography, Life Cycles gets to grips with the essence of life itself.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Life Cycles: Everything from Start to Finish (DK Life Cycles)
Kirjailijat:DK (Tekijä)
Muut tekijät:Sam Falconer (Kuvittaja)
Info:DK Children (2020), Edition: Illustrated, 144 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):
Avainsanoja:Informational Book (ages 9 and up)


Life Cycles: Everything from Start to Finish (tekijä: DK)


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näyttää 2/2
An excellent book. Clearly written and beautifully illustrated, Life Cycles describes not just how plants and animals live and reproduce, but also the cycles of the universe, stars and planets, rocks, mountains, water, and more. A useful reference and enjoyable read for anyone curious about the natural world, young or old. I like how it connects humans to the universe around them and emphasizes how all life on Earth is interconnected. ( )
1 ääni Heather39 | Feb 3, 2024 |
The book is written for children or youth. It includes interesting information about the reproductive cycles of plants and animals. The cycles associated with geological activity and the historical information are more basic. I would recommend this book to youth interested in biological science. They illustrations are helpful and make it easier to understand. ( )
  GlennBell | Aug 7, 2023 |
näyttää 2/2
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


This book for kids aged 8 and above takes an innovative look at the circle of life including animals, dinosaurs, stars, volcanoes, and even YOU. Everything has a beginning and an end, but what happens in between? Each spread focuses on at least one life cycle. Meet dolphins jumping in the ocean waves, penguins travelling on the ice, and butterflies fluttering in the sky. Shoot back in time 4.5 billion years to see how planet Earth was formed and then leap into the future to see what happens when stars die. You'll take a closer look at the life cycles of environments, too. Discover how a river forms and changes over time. Find out how a tree grows and all of the other life cycles it supports within it. See the amazing sculptures the oceans make out of cliffs. Dive beneath the surface to see how coral reefs form, and what causes them to die. Follow the life cycles of weather - from water cycles to ice ages, to give you a better grasp of the climate situation we find ourselves in now. From the single-celled amoeba to how the Earth has formed, the life cycles in this book have been carefully chosen to give you an amazing overview of the universe, and how everything is inevitably linked. Filled with facts to amaze your friends as well as beautifully detailed illustrations by Sam Falconer and stunning photography, Life Cycles gets to grips with the essence of life itself.

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3 1
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4.5 2
5 1

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