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Reinventing Project Based Learning: Your Field Guide to Real-World Projects in the Digital Age

Tekijä: Suzie Boss

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"This popular ISTE title follows the arc of a project, providing guided opportunities to direct and reflect educators' own learning and professional development. In this updated, tenth-anniversary edition, Suzie Boss and Jane Krauss offer educators new examples of the latest tools, assessment strategies and promising practices that are poised to shape education in the future. Reinventing Project-Based Learning, Third Edition shows how to design authentic projects that make the most of available and emerging technologies. This new edition: provides examples of how to merge personalized learning, flipped classrooms, and PBL for effective teaching and learning; includes coverage of computational thinking and coding, demonstrating ways to develop new approaches to solving problems as well as new forms of expression; discusses PBL as an equity consideration, with opportunities for personalization and empowerment, addressing issues of social justice and closing the achievement gap; includes coverage on new trends like augmented and virtual reality, and new and updated Spotlights from educators; and features deeper focus on Gold Standard and High Quality PBL, the P21 Framework, and ISTE Standards for Students and Educators"--… (lisätietoja)
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"This popular ISTE title follows the arc of a project, providing guided opportunities to direct and reflect educators' own learning and professional development. In this updated, tenth-anniversary edition, Suzie Boss and Jane Krauss offer educators new examples of the latest tools, assessment strategies and promising practices that are poised to shape education in the future. Reinventing Project-Based Learning, Third Edition shows how to design authentic projects that make the most of available and emerging technologies. This new edition: provides examples of how to merge personalized learning, flipped classrooms, and PBL for effective teaching and learning; includes coverage of computational thinking and coding, demonstrating ways to develop new approaches to solving problems as well as new forms of expression; discusses PBL as an equity consideration, with opportunities for personalization and empowerment, addressing issues of social justice and closing the achievement gap; includes coverage on new trends like augmented and virtual reality, and new and updated Spotlights from educators; and features deeper focus on Gold Standard and High Quality PBL, the P21 Framework, and ISTE Standards for Students and Educators"--

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