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In Sheep's Clothing Tekijä: Mary Monroe

In Sheep's Clothing (vuoden 2006 painos)

Tekijä: Mary Monroe (Tekijä)

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792343,982 (3.53)-
Fiction. African American Fiction. HTML:A restless young woman thinks she's found a free ride to happiness and adventure. But it's a trip that may land her in prison—or worse. . .
When Trudy Bell lands a job at a travel agency, she feels like a new woman. And her friendly personality soon wins her the adoration of her colleagues—with one exception. Ann Oliver, the only other African American employee, a high-level manager who despises Trudy's low-income background. But no one is going to ruin Trudy's new life. In fact, she's found a way to make it even better. As a secretary, Trudy has easy access to company credit cards. Including Ann's. . .
Before long Trudy's leading a double-life—Ann's life—complete with a secret apartment where she entertains the men she meets at upscale bars. But their worlds collide the night Trudy brings home the wrong man—one who has an angry score to settle. With Ann. Now, unless Trudy can convince him she's not the woman he's after, she may pay the highest price of all. . .
"Monroe serves up a tasty dish of murder, deception, lust, and just desserts."—Library Journal on She Had it Coming
"Monroe's richly drawn characters will stay with readers long after the book is finished."—Booklist.
… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:In Sheep's Clothing
Kirjailijat:Mary Monroe (Tekijä)
Info:Kensington (2006), Edition: Reprint, 320 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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In Sheep's Clothing (tekijä: Mary Monroe)


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Fiction. African American Fiction. HTML:A restless young woman thinks she's found a free ride to happiness and adventure. But it's a trip that may land her in prison—or worse. . .
When Trudy Bell lands a job at a travel agency, she feels like a new woman. And her friendly personality soon wins her the adoration of her colleagues—with one exception. Ann Oliver, the only other African American employee, a high-level manager who despises Trudy's low-income background. But no one is going to ruin Trudy's new life. In fact, she's found a way to make it even better. As a secretary, Trudy has easy access to company credit cards. Including Ann's. . .
Before long Trudy's leading a double-life—Ann's life—complete with a secret apartment where she entertains the men she meets at upscale bars. But their worlds collide the night Trudy brings home the wrong man—one who has an angry score to settle. With Ann. Now, unless Trudy can convince him she's not the woman he's after, she may pay the highest price of all. . .
"Monroe serves up a tasty dish of murder, deception, lust, and just desserts."—Library Journal on She Had it Coming
"Monroe's richly drawn characters will stay with readers long after the book is finished."—Booklist.

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