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10-Minute Brain Games: Logic and Reasoning [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2018] Dr Gareth Moore

Tekijä: Gareth Moore

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
Why should kids have all the fun? With the bestselling Brain Games for Clever Kids in the charts, Dr Gareth Moore turns his hand to creating a similarly entertaining and interactive range of brain game puzzle books for adults! Put your brain to the test and have some fun with over 150 brain games that get steadily more challenging as you progress through the book.Puzzles featured range from battleships to Hanjie, mild sudoku to some fiendish variations, logic puzzles that test your powers of concentration as well as your puzzle-solving skills, binary puzzles, slitherlink and much more besides. With space for you to record how long it took you to complete each puzzle, with these brain games it is easy to track your progression - and if you're really stuck you can have a quick look at the solutions at the back.Give your problem-solving skills and lateral thinking a real workout and have some fun.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatlightningjim, AayushiB, TrilogyLib

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Why should kids have all the fun? With the bestselling Brain Games for Clever Kids in the charts, Dr Gareth Moore turns his hand to creating a similarly entertaining and interactive range of brain game puzzle books for adults! Put your brain to the test and have some fun with over 150 brain games that get steadily more challenging as you progress through the book.Puzzles featured range from battleships to Hanjie, mild sudoku to some fiendish variations, logic puzzles that test your powers of concentration as well as your puzzle-solving skills, binary puzzles, slitherlink and much more besides. With space for you to record how long it took you to complete each puzzle, with these brain games it is easy to track your progression - and if you're really stuck you can have a quick look at the solutions at the back.Give your problem-solving skills and lateral thinking a real workout and have some fun.

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