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The Big Activity Book for Digital Detox

Tekijä: Jordan Reid

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
A hilarious, relatable twist on how to disconnect from our devices, with illustrated laugh-out-loud activities and journaling prompts. Deep down, you know it's true: you could benefit from disconnecting from the internet and reconnecting with the world around you. Part journal, part coloring book, part advice on how to take a break, The Big Activity Book for Digital Detox will be an outlet for anyone who wants to laugh through the ridiculousness of the digital age and remember how to be a human--because it's definitely not going to happen when you're awake at 1:00 a.m. reading yet another listicle. Activities include:   *  Craft with your obsolete iPhone cords   *  10 things to do outside right now   *  Color in the influencer who is so grateful for you guys   *  Lies the internet tells you   *  Why gardening is a thing you should try When you're longing for freedom from your devices, dig out a pen and turn to the pages of this timely, entertaining book--and don't post a picture anywhere #retro.… (lisätietoja)

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A hilarious, relatable twist on how to disconnect from our devices, with illustrated laugh-out-loud activities and journaling prompts. Deep down, you know it's true: you could benefit from disconnecting from the internet and reconnecting with the world around you. Part journal, part coloring book, part advice on how to take a break, The Big Activity Book for Digital Detox will be an outlet for anyone who wants to laugh through the ridiculousness of the digital age and remember how to be a human--because it's definitely not going to happen when you're awake at 1:00 a.m. reading yet another listicle. Activities include:   *  Craft with your obsolete iPhone cords   *  10 things to do outside right now   *  Color in the influencer who is so grateful for you guys   *  Lies the internet tells you   *  Why gardening is a thing you should try When you're longing for freedom from your devices, dig out a pen and turn to the pages of this timely, entertaining book--and don't post a picture anywhere #retro.

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