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Beat Procrastination and Make the Grade: A Life-Saving Guide for Students

Tekijä: Linda Sapadin, Jack Maguire

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13-1,537,619 (3.25)-
According to a recent study, only 40% of students complete their bachelor's degree in four years. Why? Because they fail to assess priorities, finish projects, and handle distractions. In other words, they procrastinate!Dr. Linda Sapadin comes to the rescue of students at all levels, from high school to graduate school, with her no-nonsense, step-by-step guide to overcoming procrastination. She has identified six types of procrastinators--perfectionists, dreamers, worriers, defiers, crisismakers, and overdoers--and for each has developed a specific program designed to help students unlearn self-destructive behavior and realize their full academic potential. Through quizzes and case studies, she shows students how to:* identify and change bad work patterns * prioritize effectively * develop effective study habits * cope with newfound freedom and responsibility Beat Procrastination and Make the Grade will show students how to get more done faster and better, with time left over to enjoy their school experience. Teachers, parents, counselors, and anyone who knows or works with students will find this book to be an essential tool.Beat Procrastination should be required reading on every course syllabus.… (lisätietoja)

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According to a recent study, only 40% of students complete their bachelor's degree in four years. Why? Because they fail to assess priorities, finish projects, and handle distractions. In other words, they procrastinate!Dr. Linda Sapadin comes to the rescue of students at all levels, from high school to graduate school, with her no-nonsense, step-by-step guide to overcoming procrastination. She has identified six types of procrastinators--perfectionists, dreamers, worriers, defiers, crisismakers, and overdoers--and for each has developed a specific program designed to help students unlearn self-destructive behavior and realize their full academic potential. Through quizzes and case studies, she shows students how to:* identify and change bad work patterns * prioritize effectively * develop effective study habits * cope with newfound freedom and responsibility Beat Procrastination and Make the Grade will show students how to get more done faster and better, with time left over to enjoy their school experience. Teachers, parents, counselors, and anyone who knows or works with students will find this book to be an essential tool.Beat Procrastination should be required reading on every course syllabus.

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