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The Household Roll of Eleanor de Montfort, Countess of Leicester and Pembroke, 1265: British Library, Additional MS 8877 (Publications of the Pipe Roll Society New Series) (Volume 63)

Tekijä: Louise J. Wilkinson

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The household roll of Eleanor, countess of Leicester and Pembroke, offers a fascinating insight into one of the most important domestic establishments in England during the Second Barons' War of 1263-7. As the wife of Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester, the leading figure within the baronial regime, and the sister and aunt of King Henry III and the Lord Edward, respectively, Countess Eleanor occupied a position at the heart of English political affairs up to, and after, her husband's death at the Battle of Evesham on 4 August 1265.This volume is a critical edition of the extant thirteen membranes of Countess Eleanor's household account roll for that momentous year, 1265 (British Library, Additional MS 8877). Presented here in the original Latin and with an accompanying English translation, Countess Eleanor's roll includes her diet account for the period from 19 February to 29 August 1265, listing her visitors and the different items of food and drink consumed on each day at each castle at which she was resident, including Wallingford, Odiham and Dover. The roll also incorporates a "wardrobe journal", covering the period up until 1 October 1265, detailing expenditure on the purchase and repair of household furnishings, goods and utensils, on clothing and wages, on the Montfortian war effort in the South, and on messengers travelling to and from the countess, Earl Simon, her sons and associates, in the months before and after the Battle of Evesham.LOUISE J. WILKINSON is professor of medieval history at Canterbury Christ Church University.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatjmcewan3, BNCLibrary, Lindenmom, RGarnettSCO, xtofersdad

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The household roll of Eleanor, countess of Leicester and Pembroke, offers a fascinating insight into one of the most important domestic establishments in England during the Second Barons' War of 1263-7. As the wife of Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester, the leading figure within the baronial regime, and the sister and aunt of King Henry III and the Lord Edward, respectively, Countess Eleanor occupied a position at the heart of English political affairs up to, and after, her husband's death at the Battle of Evesham on 4 August 1265.This volume is a critical edition of the extant thirteen membranes of Countess Eleanor's household account roll for that momentous year, 1265 (British Library, Additional MS 8877). Presented here in the original Latin and with an accompanying English translation, Countess Eleanor's roll includes her diet account for the period from 19 February to 29 August 1265, listing her visitors and the different items of food and drink consumed on each day at each castle at which she was resident, including Wallingford, Odiham and Dover. The roll also incorporates a "wardrobe journal", covering the period up until 1 October 1265, detailing expenditure on the purchase and repair of household furnishings, goods and utensils, on clothing and wages, on the Montfortian war effort in the South, and on messengers travelling to and from the countess, Earl Simon, her sons and associates, in the months before and after the Battle of Evesham.LOUISE J. WILKINSON is professor of medieval history at Canterbury Christ Church University.

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