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Wives and Neighbors: Book 1 and 2

Tekijä: Jasmine Haynes

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From NY Times and USA Today bestselling author Jasmine Haynes, Wives and Neighbors, a naughty little foursome tale packed with loads of emotion.For the first time, Books 1 and 2 are available in a bundle.WIVES & NEIGHBORS, BOOK 1Two couples, two very hot wives, two husbands who don't mind a little swapping...The Mitchells and the Harts have been next door neighbors and friends for the past year. They have loads in common: double incomes, professional careers, no kids...and a kinky streak.Now they're about to become very good friends...with benefits.The dates between them all are hot, naughty, and unbearably exciting. It isn't merely swapping partners and moving to another room; it's a true foursome, same room, same bed, all four involved. For Drew and Cat Mitchell and Logan and Alexis Hart, it's about barreling through boundaries none of them have ever crossed before, doing kinky things they've only fantasized about. But when they begin to exchange not just physical connections but emotional as well, the problems start; a little jealousy, feeling left out, wanting more from the wrong partner. Can two couples really share everything without losing it all?WIVES & NEIGHBORS, BOOK 2The Mitchells and the Harts, next-door neighbors up for a little wife-swapping and some very hot foursome get-togethers. But things didn't go quite as planned for these kinky neighbors...In Wives & Neighbors Two, find out where these two naughty couples are now and the new adventures they've gotten themselves into. Will they all have a happy ending? Will they go back to the way things were? Or will someone get their just desserts?This book includes content intended for mature readers."Wives and Neighbors: The Complete Story" is a contemporary romance of approximately 50,000 words.The book contains the following bonus material:Excerpts from Invitation to Seduction, She's Gotta be Mine, and Somebody's Lover.REVIEWS FOR WIVES & NEIGHBORS AND THE NOVELS OF JASMINE HAYNES"Scandalous, decadent, a bit naughty and sizzling H-O-T!!!" Joyfully Reviewed"This delicious story will have you at Page One... really!" Ande Lyons of BringBackDesire.com"An erotic, emotional adventure of discovery you don't want to miss." Lora Leigh, New York Times bestselling author"Super sexy..." Bella Andre, author of The Sullivans series"Kudos to Jasmine and please continue to turn up the heat!!!" When Pen Met Paper Reviews"Incredibly moving and utterly sensual!" Reader to Reader Reviews"Characters [that] grab you by the throat and won't let go." Romance Junkies"Jasmine Haynes ... knows how to get your pulse racing and your temperature rising!" Romance Reader at Heart… (lisätietoja)
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From NY Times and USA Today bestselling author Jasmine Haynes, Wives and Neighbors, a naughty little foursome tale packed with loads of emotion.For the first time, Books 1 and 2 are available in a bundle.WIVES & NEIGHBORS, BOOK 1Two couples, two very hot wives, two husbands who don't mind a little swapping...The Mitchells and the Harts have been next door neighbors and friends for the past year. They have loads in common: double incomes, professional careers, no kids...and a kinky streak.Now they're about to become very good friends...with benefits.The dates between them all are hot, naughty, and unbearably exciting. It isn't merely swapping partners and moving to another room; it's a true foursome, same room, same bed, all four involved. For Drew and Cat Mitchell and Logan and Alexis Hart, it's about barreling through boundaries none of them have ever crossed before, doing kinky things they've only fantasized about. But when they begin to exchange not just physical connections but emotional as well, the problems start; a little jealousy, feeling left out, wanting more from the wrong partner. Can two couples really share everything without losing it all?WIVES & NEIGHBORS, BOOK 2The Mitchells and the Harts, next-door neighbors up for a little wife-swapping and some very hot foursome get-togethers. But things didn't go quite as planned for these kinky neighbors...In Wives & Neighbors Two, find out where these two naughty couples are now and the new adventures they've gotten themselves into. Will they all have a happy ending? Will they go back to the way things were? Or will someone get their just desserts?This book includes content intended for mature readers."Wives and Neighbors: The Complete Story" is a contemporary romance of approximately 50,000 words.The book contains the following bonus material:Excerpts from Invitation to Seduction, She's Gotta be Mine, and Somebody's Lover.REVIEWS FOR WIVES & NEIGHBORS AND THE NOVELS OF JASMINE HAYNES"Scandalous, decadent, a bit naughty and sizzling H-O-T!!!" Joyfully Reviewed"This delicious story will have you at Page One... really!" Ande Lyons of BringBackDesire.com"An erotic, emotional adventure of discovery you don't want to miss." Lora Leigh, New York Times bestselling author"Super sexy..." Bella Andre, author of The Sullivans series"Kudos to Jasmine and please continue to turn up the heat!!!" When Pen Met Paper Reviews"Incredibly moving and utterly sensual!" Reader to Reader Reviews"Characters [that] grab you by the throat and won't let go." Romance Junkies"Jasmine Haynes ... knows how to get your pulse racing and your temperature rising!" Romance Reader at Heart

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