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The Great Mental Models, Volume 2: Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Tekijä: Rhiannon Beaubien

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
142-194,830 (4.3)-
"The secret to better decision-making is learning things that won't change. Mastering a small number of versatile concepts with broad applicability enables you to rapidly grasp new areas, identify patterns, and understand how the world works. Don't waste your time on knowledge with an expiry date - focus on the fundamentals. The hard sciences offer a wealth of useful tools you can use to develop critically important skills like curiosity, relationship-building, and leadership. Formal expertise in science is not necessary, though if you have it you may see parts of your discipline in a new light. This second volume of the Great Mental Models series shows you how to make connections between concepts from the sciences and your own life. You'll not only get a better understanding of the forces that influence the world around you, but you'll learn how to direct those forces to create outsized advantages in the areas of your life that matter most to you."--… (lisätietoja)

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"The secret to better decision-making is learning things that won't change. Mastering a small number of versatile concepts with broad applicability enables you to rapidly grasp new areas, identify patterns, and understand how the world works. Don't waste your time on knowledge with an expiry date - focus on the fundamentals. The hard sciences offer a wealth of useful tools you can use to develop critically important skills like curiosity, relationship-building, and leadership. Formal expertise in science is not necessary, though if you have it you may see parts of your discipline in a new light. This second volume of the Great Mental Models series shows you how to make connections between concepts from the sciences and your own life. You'll not only get a better understanding of the forces that influence the world around you, but you'll learn how to direct those forces to create outsized advantages in the areas of your life that matter most to you."--

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