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Critical Reading and Writing for Postgraduates (SAGE Study Skills Series)

Tekijä: Mike Wallace, Alison Wray

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79-342,946 (3)-
Lecturers, why waste time waiting for the post to arrive? Request and receive your e-inspection copy today! ′Written in a clear and straightforward fashion that is guaranteed to make you think, as well as encouraging constructive and engaging modes of writing that will improve your connection to your audience.′ - Professor Graham Crow, University of Southampton  How do you respond to adverts?  Do you believe what they say, or look for a hidden agenda? Reading critically, and writing using critical techniques, are crucial skills you need to apply to your academic work.  It may seem difficult at first, but you may already be a more critical reader than you think! This guide helps you develop both the ability to critically ask questions, and a reflective and critical approach to your own research and writing.  Broken down into three parts, it builds up your skills and confidence through focused activities that progressively develop your ability to critically read and write. New to this 2nd edition: A range of subject specific examples from areas including linguistics, education, business and management Commentaries on using e-resources and features of e-research New online resources including worksheet templates, chapter activities and free access to journal articles. Look at the RESOURCES TAB to view and download the additional materials.SAGE Study Skills are essential study guides for students of all levels. From how to write great essays and succeeding at university, to writing your undergraduate dissertation and doing postgraduate research, SAGE Study Skills help you get the best from your time at university. Visit the SAGE Study Skills website for tips, quizzes and videos on study success!… (lisätietoja)

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Mike Wallaceensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Wray, Alisonpäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu

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Lecturers, why waste time waiting for the post to arrive? Request and receive your e-inspection copy today! ′Written in a clear and straightforward fashion that is guaranteed to make you think, as well as encouraging constructive and engaging modes of writing that will improve your connection to your audience.′ - Professor Graham Crow, University of Southampton  How do you respond to adverts?  Do you believe what they say, or look for a hidden agenda? Reading critically, and writing using critical techniques, are crucial skills you need to apply to your academic work.  It may seem difficult at first, but you may already be a more critical reader than you think! This guide helps you develop both the ability to critically ask questions, and a reflective and critical approach to your own research and writing.  Broken down into three parts, it builds up your skills and confidence through focused activities that progressively develop your ability to critically read and write. New to this 2nd edition: A range of subject specific examples from areas including linguistics, education, business and management Commentaries on using e-resources and features of e-research New online resources including worksheet templates, chapter activities and free access to journal articles. Look at the RESOURCES TAB to view and download the additional materials.SAGE Study Skills are essential study guides for students of all levels. From how to write great essays and succeeding at university, to writing your undergraduate dissertation and doing postgraduate research, SAGE Study Skills help you get the best from your time at university. Visit the SAGE Study Skills website for tips, quizzes and videos on study success!

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