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The Complete Witchblade Volume 1 Tekijä:…

The Complete Witchblade Volume 1 (vuoden 2020 painos)

Tekijä: Warren Ellis (Tekijä), Brian Haberlin (Tekijä), David Wohl (Tekijä), Christina Z. (Tekijä), David Finch (Tekijä)6 lisää, Michael Turner (Artist), Marc Silvestri (Artist), Tony Daniel (Artist), Nathan Cabrera (Artist), David Finch (Artist), Billy Tan (Artist)

Sarjat: Witchblade {1995-2015} (1-19, Darkness 9-10, Tales of the Witchblade ½ & 3)

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231992,060 (3.25)-
This first collection of the bestsellingseries created by MARC SILVESTRI, DAVID WOHL, BRIANHABERLIN, and MICHAEL TURNER equips streetwise cop SaraPezzini with the mysterious Witchblade, a weapon of prehistoric origin anduntold power. As the artifact's bearer, Sara goes toe to toe with aMachiavellian industrialist, supernatural serial killers, and far worse, as thesupernatural underworld of New York alters the course of her destinyforever. Gorgeously rendered and painstakinglyassembled as the first in a series of absolute collected editions. Collects WITCHBLADE #1-19, THE DARKNESS #9& 10, TALES OF THE WITCHBLADE #1/2 & 3… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The Complete Witchblade Volume 1
Kirjailijat:Warren Ellis (Tekijä)
Muut tekijät:Brian Haberlin (Tekijä), David Wohl (Tekijä), Christina Z. (Tekijä), David Finch (Tekijä), Michael Turner (Artist)5 lisää, Marc Silvestri (Artist), Tony Daniel (Artist), Nathan Cabrera (Artist), David Finch (Artist), Billy Tan (Artist)
Info:Image Comics (2020), Edition: Illustrated, 624 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


The Complete Witchblade Volume 1 (tekijä: Warren Ellis)


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The Complete Witchblade Volume 1 collects several of the early volumes of the series and related series. As such, it is as much for collecting as reading.

It is not only disingenuous to criticize the work for "being dated" or for showcasing an artist's early growth, it shows a complete lack of self-esteem that you feel the need to try (and fail miserably) to demonstrate your intelligence by making asinine statements. If you don't like or can't appreciate artwork from the period, then don't read it. It was done then, not now. Just pretend you know how to think.

Anyway, as I mention above, this is not 2020 art trying to look like 1990s art, this is the original artwork. If it really bothers you then you may want to avoid it. If you like the history of comics and graphic novels and appreciate what came before and helped to give us what we have today, you will likely enjoy this. In other words, if you buy a Beatles album and complain because they don't make music that sounds like 2020, you'll dislike this, if you buy a Beatles album and think about how what they did helped lead to what you like in 2020, you'll like the book.

Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via Edelweiss. ( )
1 ääni pomo58 | May 21, 2020 |
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This first collection of the bestsellingseries created by MARC SILVESTRI, DAVID WOHL, BRIANHABERLIN, and MICHAEL TURNER equips streetwise cop SaraPezzini with the mysterious Witchblade, a weapon of prehistoric origin anduntold power. As the artifact's bearer, Sara goes toe to toe with aMachiavellian industrialist, supernatural serial killers, and far worse, as thesupernatural underworld of New York alters the course of her destinyforever. Gorgeously rendered and painstakinglyassembled as the first in a series of absolute collected editions. Collects WITCHBLADE #1-19, THE DARKNESS #9& 10, TALES OF THE WITCHBLADE #1/2 & 3

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