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Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion Volume 7

Tekijä: Margaret Maynard, Sally Gray

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Volume 7 in the Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion. Published in summer 2010 in print and online, the 10-volume Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion is the first comprehensive reference work to explore all aspects of dress and fashion globally - from pre-history to the present day.Arranged geographically and written by an international team of experts, the Encyclopedia will serve as the go-to source for all issues relating the art and anthropology of costume, dress, and fashion the world over for students, scholars, members of the design and fashion industries, and fashionaficionados for years to come.The Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion brings together for the first time the work of over 600 renowned scholars from every part of the globe. All articles have been specially commissioned and particular effort has been made to commission articles by indigenous scholars with in-depth localknowledge.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajathhightop, tanyawetenhall, TinaConnell, IraLatour

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Margaret Maynardensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Gray, Sallypäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
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Volume 7 in the Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion. Published in summer 2010 in print and online, the 10-volume Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion is the first comprehensive reference work to explore all aspects of dress and fashion globally - from pre-history to the present day.Arranged geographically and written by an international team of experts, the Encyclopedia will serve as the go-to source for all issues relating the art and anthropology of costume, dress, and fashion the world over for students, scholars, members of the design and fashion industries, and fashionaficionados for years to come.The Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion brings together for the first time the work of over 600 renowned scholars from every part of the globe. All articles have been specially commissioned and particular effort has been made to commission articles by indigenous scholars with in-depth localknowledge.

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