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Divorce Stress Syndrome: A comprehensive review of divorce: its causes, consequences, and conclusions - drawing upon lessons of 100 celebrities and others

Tekijä: Dr. David E. Pastrana

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
"DIVORCE STRESS SYNDROME (DSS)" should be required reading for those contemplating divorce or already involved in the process. It provides single-source reading about the cumulative causes, harmful consequences, and healing requirements to get you through your divorce. The chapters are carefully coordinated and presented in the usual unfolding sequence of divorce. This allows for cumulative coverage of pre-divorce triggering events, brewing emotions and the onset of loss of marital bliss. DSS explains the entire divorce process and provides helpful suggestions for dealing with lawyers, creditors, the ex and his/her support members. Youll soon recognize which divorce circumstances can be changed or resolved and accept realities that cannot be altered. These distinctions, along with recommended proactive coping strategies, provide assistance for dealing with your own divorce demons. Reconciliation alternatives are carefully examined and make clear that sometimes divorce can be halted, if both parties truly desire to resolve their underlying issues, problems, and behaviors. DSS will help you retain your property rights, dignity, and maintain sanity during challenging times. The topics are presented with celebrity public information details regarding their troubled marriages, reconciliation efforts, and innovative divorce settlements. It also addresses questions on post-divorce dating and cautions that one should not rush into a new relationship too fast. Prenuptial, Postnuptial, and Co-habitation Agreements are explained in great detail, along with applicable warnings on palimony and other remarriage related issues. DSS provides GPS guidance for engaged-couples planning their premarital travels and for married spouses searching for available avenues back to their lost happiness.… (lisätietoja)

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"DIVORCE STRESS SYNDROME (DSS)" should be required reading for those contemplating divorce or already involved in the process. It provides single-source reading about the cumulative causes, harmful consequences, and healing requirements to get you through your divorce. The chapters are carefully coordinated and presented in the usual unfolding sequence of divorce. This allows for cumulative coverage of pre-divorce triggering events, brewing emotions and the onset of loss of marital bliss. DSS explains the entire divorce process and provides helpful suggestions for dealing with lawyers, creditors, the ex and his/her support members. Youll soon recognize which divorce circumstances can be changed or resolved and accept realities that cannot be altered. These distinctions, along with recommended proactive coping strategies, provide assistance for dealing with your own divorce demons. Reconciliation alternatives are carefully examined and make clear that sometimes divorce can be halted, if both parties truly desire to resolve their underlying issues, problems, and behaviors. DSS will help you retain your property rights, dignity, and maintain sanity during challenging times. The topics are presented with celebrity public information details regarding their troubled marriages, reconciliation efforts, and innovative divorce settlements. It also addresses questions on post-divorce dating and cautions that one should not rush into a new relationship too fast. Prenuptial, Postnuptial, and Co-habitation Agreements are explained in great detail, along with applicable warnings on palimony and other remarriage related issues. DSS provides GPS guidance for engaged-couples planning their premarital travels and for married spouses searching for available avenues back to their lost happiness.

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