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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Relations

Tekijä: Larissa Behrendt

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Relations, second edition, introduces readers to the major issues faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people under the Anglo-Australian legal system, with a focus on the impact of historical and contemporary law and policy. It engages readers in key debates, such as reparations for the Stolen Generation and changes to the Constitution, and explores how the law can play a role in providing a framework for recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' rights.New to this EditionComprehensively updated to include the latest developments, with new discussion on: Constitutional recognition and the Uluru Statement from the HeartCreation of the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples as a new representative bodyNational child welfare policy reforms which will result in increased removals through early permanent placement of children who experience out of home careStolen Generation reparation tribunals and their responsesColonial legal history in the context of contemporary debates such as the recent campaign to change the date of Australia DayThe development of state-based treaty processesIncludes a new chapter on 'Indigenous Women and Criminal Justice' (Ch. 7) with a focus on family violence and victimisation; the laws, policies and practices that contribute to Indigenous women's imprisonment; and the climbing imprisonment rate of Indigenous womenUpdated discussion questions, and case studies and extracts.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajataaroncini, lawbod

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Relations, second edition, introduces readers to the major issues faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people under the Anglo-Australian legal system, with a focus on the impact of historical and contemporary law and policy. It engages readers in key debates, such as reparations for the Stolen Generation and changes to the Constitution, and explores how the law can play a role in providing a framework for recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' rights.New to this EditionComprehensively updated to include the latest developments, with new discussion on: Constitutional recognition and the Uluru Statement from the HeartCreation of the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples as a new representative bodyNational child welfare policy reforms which will result in increased removals through early permanent placement of children who experience out of home careStolen Generation reparation tribunals and their responsesColonial legal history in the context of contemporary debates such as the recent campaign to change the date of Australia DayThe development of state-based treaty processesIncludes a new chapter on 'Indigenous Women and Criminal Justice' (Ch. 7) with a focus on family violence and victimisation; the laws, policies and practices that contribute to Indigenous women's imprisonment; and the climbing imprisonment rate of Indigenous womenUpdated discussion questions, and case studies and extracts.

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