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High School: A Memoir: The New York Times…

High School: A Memoir: The New York Times Bestseller (vuoden 2020 painos)

Tekijä: Tegan Quin (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
26811100,661 (4.05)7
High School is the revelatory and unique coming-of-age story of Sara and Tegan Quin, identical twins from Calgary, Alberta, who grew up at the height of grunge and rave culture in the nineties, well before they became the celebrated musicians and global LGBTQ icons we know today. While grappling with their identity and sexuality, often alone, they also faced academic meltdown, their parents' divorce, and the looming pressure of what might come after high school. Written in alternating chapters from both Tegan's and Sara's points of view, the book is a raw account of the drugs, alcohol, love, music, and friendship they explored in their formative years. A transcendent story of first loves and first songs, High School captures the tangle of discordant and parallel memories of two sisters who grew up in distinct ways even as they lived just down the hall from each another. This is the origin story of Tegan and Sara.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:High School: A Memoir: The New York Times Bestseller
Kirjailijat:Tegan Quin (Tekijä)
Info:Virago (2020), Edition: International Edition, 384 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):
Avainsanoja:Unders Fiction


High School (tekijä: Sara Quin)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 11) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
High School by Sara Quin and Tegan Quin is a wonderful biography all about the famous musicians' high school years.

This was a book that really had me hooked despite being a genre I don't jump into too often. I couldn't believe how enchanting and engaging it was! The pictures, the events, the relatable nature... it was all just so good together. Sara and Tegan not only have a talent with telling their story through music, they have the writing bug too.

I've known about Tegan and Sara but have never been a "super fan". I've listened to the odd song and known about some of the awards they've won. They are famous Canadians, so obviously as a Canadian myself I've heard of them. This book has made me realize I want to listen to their music a lot more. They are relatable, inspirational and motivational - and they were once just normal girls living their best lives. It's a relatable and down to earth story about some of the insanity of high school years.

To top it all off, they are LGTBQ advocates. They are apart of the community and do a lot of good work for it. They are inspirational figures and have a magical way with their words. Their struggles and journey are really something worth reading about. The high school angst, drugs, the changes and discovery in their sexuality, the changing family dynamics and the beginnings in the music industry are something really cool to read about! It felt like these guys could literally be my next door neighbours or be my buddies. There's also some comedic moments, amazing lines and crazy goofs that make this book transcend to another level of awesome. The on the spot excuses for what they were doing instead of taking drugs or having a little too much fun with their significant others had me chuckling.

Overall, this book was a lovely journey and a great read. I highly recommend it for fans of Tegan and Sara or people just seeking an interesting biography.

Four out of five stars.

I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads. ( )
  Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |
Interesting read. It's easy to tell that they are both being completely honest in all the topics they discuss. Maybe Tegan & Sara are bigger than I think are but when I saw that they had a book, I was immediately interested. Just because they happen to both be gay, the subject of sexuality is talked about with the same frequency as if they were discussing a heterosexual relationship. But, if you happen to be struggling with your sexuality or afraid to come out to the people around you, I strongly recommend taking the time to read this book. It was also cool because it made some rock stars like the 2 of them to write a book and seem so relatable to a lot of the feelings and thoughts they both share. I would like to know what a hardcore T&S fan thinks about this book, 5 stars because I couldn't find any reason to rank them any lower for any reason. ( )
  booksonbooksonbooks | Jul 24, 2023 |
Interesting read. It's easy to tell that they are both being completely honest in all the topics they discuss. Maybe Tegan & Sara are bigger than I think are but when I saw that they had a book, I was immediately interested. Just because they happen to both be gay, the subject of sexuality is talked about with the same frequency as if they were discussing a heterosexual relationship. But, if you happen to be struggling with your sexuality or afraid to come out to the people around you, I strongly recommend taking the time to read this book. It was also cool because it made some rock stars like the 2 of them to write a book and seem so relatable to a lot of the feelings and thoughts they both share. I would like to know what a hardcore T&S fan thinks about this book, 5 stars because I couldn't find any reason to rank them any lower for any reason. ( )
  booksonbooksonbooks | Jul 24, 2023 |
  emmy_of_spines | Sep 8, 2022 |
Interesting read. It's easy to tell that they are both being completely honest in all the topics they discuss. Maybe Tegan & Sara are bigger than I think are but when I saw that they had a book, I was immediately interested. Just because they happen to both be gay, the subject of sexuality is talked about with the same frequency as if they were discussing a heterosexual relationship. But, if you happen to be struggling with your sexuality or afraid to come out to the people around you, I strongly recommend taking the time to read this book. It was also cool because it made some rock stars like the 2 of them to write a book and seem so relatable to a lot of the feelings and thoughts they both share. I would like to know what a hardcore T&S fan thinks about this book, 5 stars because I couldn't find any reason to rank them any lower for any reason. ( )
  swmproblems | Aug 12, 2021 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 11) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

» Lisää muita tekijöitä (3 mahdollista)

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Sara Quinensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Quin, Teganpäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Tegan and SaraTekijäpäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu


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High School is the revelatory and unique coming-of-age story of Sara and Tegan Quin, identical twins from Calgary, Alberta, who grew up at the height of grunge and rave culture in the nineties, well before they became the celebrated musicians and global LGBTQ icons we know today. While grappling with their identity and sexuality, often alone, they also faced academic meltdown, their parents' divorce, and the looming pressure of what might come after high school. Written in alternating chapters from both Tegan's and Sara's points of view, the book is a raw account of the drugs, alcohol, love, music, and friendship they explored in their formative years. A transcendent story of first loves and first songs, High School captures the tangle of discordant and parallel memories of two sisters who grew up in distinct ways even as they lived just down the hall from each another. This is the origin story of Tegan and Sara.

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3 9
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4 12
4.5 3
5 18

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