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Five Point Someone: What Not to Do at IIT…

Five Point Someone: What Not to Do at IIT (alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi 2004; vuoden 2006 painos)

Tekijä: Chetan Bhagat

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1,5612611,656 (3.3)1
Set in IIT, in the early 90s, this work portrays the lives of the protagonist Hari and his two friends, Ryan and Alok. It explores the dark side of IIT.
Teoksen nimi:Five Point Someone: What Not to Do at IIT
Kirjailijat:Chetan Bhagat
Info:Rupa (2006), Paperback, 275 pages
Kokoelmat:Luettu, ei oma
Arvio (tähdet):


Five Point Someone: What Not to Do at IIT, a Novel (tekijä: Chetan Bhagat) (2004)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 26) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Her'e what I wrote in 2011 about this read: "Hmmmm - Similar to first Bhagat novel read, I may be missing something (necessary understanding of India's pressured-to-conform culture, of India's youth?). The characters didn't impress me at all, but learned more about the IIT's, India's set of engineering colleges. " ( )
  MGADMJK | Aug 23, 2023 |
A simple story of 3 friends. A blockbuster movie was based on it.
  rayravi | Aug 13, 2022 |
Ok book but movie was way better. I felt it was the same story but presentation makes such a difference.While the same stuff was in the book it was so dry and like ,'oh no not again' but movie was fab. ( )
  deepatarak | Jun 29, 2021 |
good story written well ( )
  Mohammad_Ansar | Nov 16, 2020 |
Book name- Five Point Someone: What not to do at IIT
Publication Year-2004
Author: Chetan Bhagat
Book Rating-3.5/5

Let me first introduce you to Chetan Bhagat, the writer of this book!According to new york times, Chetan Bhagat is the biggest-selling English language novelist in India's history. I get introduced myself with him by reading his novel 'The three mistakes of my life'. I was fascinated as well as surprised because I was reading that book and it hardly comes to my mind that I was reading a book which is written in a foreign language. Obviously, I loved his writting style. It is simple, still gorgeous. I have just completed reading his second one and I have to tell, everytime I read his books,become a fan of him. And one thing, if you are new English book reader, have some frights of reading English book, then you can choose "Five point someone" by closing your eyes. You will be impressed for sure!

Now comes to the main section! book review!

'Five point someone' is a story of three friends who are from IIT, the best engineering university of the country. These guys are the toppers of their own classes since the beginning of their student life. Well, this top class performance remains untill they are admitted to IIT. IIT was waiting for them with completely different story!

Now,have a look to our characters.Hari,who tells us the story. According to Ryan's language he is kind-hearted, confused, hopelessly in love, physically unappealing, wants to keep his freinds, fumbles in vivas and a guy who wants to be like others. But if you watch him by Neha's eyes, there is something about him, which will attract you!

Alok, who comes from a poor family. His father is paralised and mother has to bear all the responsibilities. His only sister was crossing the marrigeable age for not having enough money. These thoughts always keeps Alok in a pressure that he have to earn money for his family. Among the three, he is more serious in studies than the others.

Ryan, who is a boy you may love! He is good looking, smart, intelligent, having good sense of humor. He is the perfect package as Hari always wants to be Ryan. In professor Veera's eyes Ryan is the brightest student he ever seen in IIT although Ryan is the last boy of his class!Here I have to mention that, Professor Veera is not like the other profs of IIT who judges students by their grades. However, Ryan hates the whole IIT System, which brings the most brilliant student of the country and destroy their brains. He thinks, IIT has no contribution in any kind of invention yet they have the best brains of the country. These kind of reasons induces Ryan to avoid classes, study and making different kind of plans for him and his friends which take some disaster for them.

Well, I have just introduced you to the main characters of this book. It will hardly give you any idea how the book is! There is a sweet love story,emotions which may make you feel cry, lots of fun which may make you laugh when you are alone.Above all, a story of pure friendship which will fascinate you!

I am going to finish this writing after giving you an information. Have you seen "Three idiots"?Well, it's one of my most favourite movie. This movie was based on this novel. But I want to reassure that, Movie and the book has far differences. You will find a little similarities between the two. But I can assure you, if you enjoy the movie, you will enjoy the book more! ( )
  SreetamaMoitra | Apr 20, 2020 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 26) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Set in IIT, in the early 90s, this work portrays the lives of the protagonist Hari and his two friends, Ryan and Alok. It explores the dark side of IIT.

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Keskiarvo: (3.3)
0.5 3
1 23
1.5 7
2 87
2.5 6
3 145
3.5 11
4 123
4.5 3
5 83

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