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God's Favor: Experiencing the Life God Wants…

God's Favor: Experiencing the Life God Wants You to Have (vuoden 2019 painos)

Tekijä: Gary Wilkerson (Tekijä)

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One of the great privileges we have as Christians is finding favor from the Lord. Yet our understanding of "favor" can be off. We are sometimes told it's all about us--that God gave us that house, that car, that job so we can have all we need. But his provision doesn't stop with us. In this fascinating, empowering book, Gary Wilkerson, pastor and president of World Challenge, paints a bigger, brighter, and more biblical picture of what God's favor is. He shows how our loving Father showers his abundant resources upon us--things like forgiveness, restoration, peace, joy, power, and authority--not only to bless us with a favored, happy life, but for us to joyfully demonstrate this favor to others, whether they are friends, family, or strangers on the street. Because God's favor is not meant to end with us--it is meant to show the beauty of his unearned grace to a hurting, unbelieving world.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:God's Favor: Experiencing the Life God Wants You to Have
Kirjailijat:Gary Wilkerson (Tekijä)
Info:Chosen Books (2019), 160 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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God's Favor: Experiencing the Life God Wants You to Have (tekijä: Gary Wilkerson (Author))


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One of the great privileges we have as Christians is finding favor from the Lord. Yet our understanding of "favor" can be off. We are sometimes told it's all about us--that God gave us that house, that car, that job so we can have all we need. But his provision doesn't stop with us. In this fascinating, empowering book, Gary Wilkerson, pastor and president of World Challenge, paints a bigger, brighter, and more biblical picture of what God's favor is. He shows how our loving Father showers his abundant resources upon us--things like forgiveness, restoration, peace, joy, power, and authority--not only to bless us with a favored, happy life, but for us to joyfully demonstrate this favor to others, whether they are friends, family, or strangers on the street. Because God's favor is not meant to end with us--it is meant to show the beauty of his unearned grace to a hurting, unbelieving world.

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