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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC Book,…

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC Book, The (vuoden 2019 painos)

Tekijä: Martin Evening (Tekijä)

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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom was designed from the ground up with digital photographers in mind, offering powerful editing features in a streamlined interface that lets photographers import, sort, and organise images. In this completely updated bestseller, author Martin Evening describes features in Lightroom CC / Lightroom Classic in detail from a photographer's perspective. As an established commercial and fashion photographer, Martin knows firsthand what photographers need for an efficient workflow. He has been working with Lightroom from the beginning, monitoring the product's development and providing valued feedback to Adobe. As a result, Martin knows the software inside and out, from image selection to image editing and image management. In this book he'll teach you how to: Work efficiently with images shot in raw or JPEG formats Import photographs with ease and sort them according to your workflow Create and manage a personal image and video library Quickly apply tonal adjustments to multiple images Integrate Lightroom with Adobe Photoshop Export images for print or Web as digital contact sheets or personal portfolios Make the most of new features… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC Book, The
Kirjailijat:Martin Evening (Tekijä)
Info:Adobe Press (2019), Edition: 2, 768 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Parhaillaan lukemassa, Aion lukea
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The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC Book (2nd Edition) (tekijä: Martin Evening)


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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom was designed from the ground up with digital photographers in mind, offering powerful editing features in a streamlined interface that lets photographers import, sort, and organise images. In this completely updated bestseller, author Martin Evening describes features in Lightroom CC / Lightroom Classic in detail from a photographer's perspective. As an established commercial and fashion photographer, Martin knows firsthand what photographers need for an efficient workflow. He has been working with Lightroom from the beginning, monitoring the product's development and providing valued feedback to Adobe. As a result, Martin knows the software inside and out, from image selection to image editing and image management. In this book he'll teach you how to: Work efficiently with images shot in raw or JPEG formats Import photographs with ease and sort them according to your workflow Create and manage a personal image and video library Quickly apply tonal adjustments to multiple images Integrate Lightroom with Adobe Photoshop Export images for print or Web as digital contact sheets or personal portfolios Make the most of new features

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