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Eat Like a Gilmore: Daily Cravings: An…

Eat Like a Gilmore: Daily Cravings: An Unofficial Cookbook for Fans of Gilmore Girls, with 100 New Recipes (vuoden 2018 painos)

Tekijä: Kristi Carlson (Tekijä)

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100- crave-worthy recipes--for Gilmore Girls fans who can't get enough! Treat yourself to 100 recipes for the decadent, delicious, and comforting foods that fueled the science-defying metabolisms of Lorelai and Rory Gilmore. Now fans can make the foods that they crave every time they watch an episode: pizza, Chinese food, pop tarts, and pies! Here are more favorites from Luke's diner menu, Sookie's eclectic inn fare, and Emily's fancy Friday Night Dinners . . . plus Korean "health" foods, soda shop favorites, foods for wallowing, and hangover survival food. Here's a taste of what's inside: Luke's Cherry Danish Mrs. Kim's Eggless Egg Salad from the Dance Marathon Taylor's Butter Brickle Crunch Ice Cream Tacos, burritos, taquitos, and quesadillas Jackson's Raspberry Peach Jam The Fiesta Burger from Al's Pancake World A whole chapter of just pie And so much more! With beautiful photos, helpful kitchen tips, and fun tidbits about the show, Eat Like a Gilmore: Daily Cravings is a must-have for any Gilmore Girls fan. Easy-to-follow recipes make it possible to cook and eat your way through Stars Hollow--and satisfy your own cravings!… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Eat Like a Gilmore: Daily Cravings: An Unofficial Cookbook for Fans of Gilmore Girls, with 100 New Recipes
Kirjailijat:Kristi Carlson (Tekijä)
Info:Skyhorse Publishing (2018), 264 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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Eat Like a Gilmore: Daily Cravings: An Unofficial Cookbook for Fans of Gilmore Girls, with 100 New Recipes (tekijä: Kristi Carlson)


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100- crave-worthy recipes--for Gilmore Girls fans who can't get enough! Treat yourself to 100 recipes for the decadent, delicious, and comforting foods that fueled the science-defying metabolisms of Lorelai and Rory Gilmore. Now fans can make the foods that they crave every time they watch an episode: pizza, Chinese food, pop tarts, and pies! Here are more favorites from Luke's diner menu, Sookie's eclectic inn fare, and Emily's fancy Friday Night Dinners . . . plus Korean "health" foods, soda shop favorites, foods for wallowing, and hangover survival food. Here's a taste of what's inside: Luke's Cherry Danish Mrs. Kim's Eggless Egg Salad from the Dance Marathon Taylor's Butter Brickle Crunch Ice Cream Tacos, burritos, taquitos, and quesadillas Jackson's Raspberry Peach Jam The Fiesta Burger from Al's Pancake World A whole chapter of just pie And so much more! With beautiful photos, helpful kitchen tips, and fun tidbits about the show, Eat Like a Gilmore: Daily Cravings is a must-have for any Gilmore Girls fan. Easy-to-follow recipes make it possible to cook and eat your way through Stars Hollow--and satisfy your own cravings!

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