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Home of Her Heart

Tekijä: Shanna Hatfield

Sarjat: Hearts of the War (2)

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On a secret mission guaranteed to get him killed, she gave him a reason to survive. . . Orphaned at birth and a loner all his life, the last thing Sergeant Klayne Campbell needs is for feisty Delaney Danvers to entangle his thoughts. Bravely volunteering for a top-secret mission almost certain to get him killed, Klayne can't bear the thought of dying utterly alone. All he wants is to face death knowing his life meant something to at least one person. Offering Delaney a marriage of convenience, he plans to leave behind a war bride as his beneficiary. After just one night as her husband, Klayne realizes he'll do anything to survive and return to her. The moment she met handsome Sergeant Campbell at a holiday party, Delaney's whole world shifted off kilter. Full of fun with an unquenchable zest for life, she isn't afraid to go after what she wants. And what she wants is Klayne. When he prepares to join a hazardous mission, she seizes the opportunity to give him a reason to fight his way back home-- to her heart. A tender, sweet romance rich with history and enduring love, Home of Her Heart captures the era and emotions prevalent during America's entry into World War II.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatMaryHoppe

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On a secret mission guaranteed to get him killed, she gave him a reason to survive. . . Orphaned at birth and a loner all his life, the last thing Sergeant Klayne Campbell needs is for feisty Delaney Danvers to entangle his thoughts. Bravely volunteering for a top-secret mission almost certain to get him killed, Klayne can't bear the thought of dying utterly alone. All he wants is to face death knowing his life meant something to at least one person. Offering Delaney a marriage of convenience, he plans to leave behind a war bride as his beneficiary. After just one night as her husband, Klayne realizes he'll do anything to survive and return to her. The moment she met handsome Sergeant Campbell at a holiday party, Delaney's whole world shifted off kilter. Full of fun with an unquenchable zest for life, she isn't afraid to go after what she wants. And what she wants is Klayne. When he prepares to join a hazardous mission, she seizes the opportunity to give him a reason to fight his way back home-- to her heart. A tender, sweet romance rich with history and enduring love, Home of Her Heart captures the era and emotions prevalent during America's entry into World War II.

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