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Ladataan... Kankuri ja hänen aarteensa (1861)Tekijä: George Eliot
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Kirjaudu LibraryThingiin nähdäksesi, pidätkö tästä kirjasta vai et. Ei tämänhetkisiä Keskustelu-viestiketjuja tästä kirjasta. A slow start for me to “get into” the book, but as I read I became more absorbed in the story. This was my first reading of a George Elliot book and has whetted my appetite for more (probably starting with Middlemarch). The tale of Marner, growing up in a closed religious community, who is betrayed by his best friend and cast out. Arriving in the village of Raveloe, he lives the life of a reclusive weaver, feared and avoided by the villagers because he is so different (and keeps himself apart). The loss of his beloved (in the absence of human love) gold, leads to despair, until the child Eppie comes into his life. The descriptions of village life, hierarchy, religious observance, neighbours brings the story to life. There is a happy ending, which works and comp,eyes the tale. A very enjoyable read and one for our book club. So why did I have so much trouble getting past the opening pages of this book sixty years ago? Apart from my general aversion toward any book assigned in high school, that is. That can’t be the entire reason, for I clearly recall how Thomas Hardy’s Return of the Native gripped me from the outset. Perhaps I read the plot summary first in Masterpieces of World Literature in Digest Form. That was easier than braving Eliot’s daunting prose, but it does the book a disservice. There is little action in the book, and that little seems sentimental; some of the most dramatic events happen off-stage and don’t come to light until much later. Yet I enjoyed the book this time from start to finish. The characteristic features of Eliot’s best books are here, too, in a briefer form. It made sense, therefore, that this was on our reading list as the introduction to one of the greatest English writers. There is her probing sociological observation and her psychological acuity. The set pieces that provide this, such as the description of a garrulous evening at the inn, can either seem to impede the plot (teenage me) or be savored on their own. The squire’s New Year’s ball is just one scene in which the author gives us a window into country customs that were disappearing even when Eliot wrote. And I’m certainly more receptive to Eliot’s continued processing of her youthful evangelical phase in her exploration of the muddled, inarticulate sentiment of church and chapel than I would have been back then. This is the package in which the plot is only one element. And knowing what happens going in served a different purpose. Then, it was the only thing that got me a passing grade. Now, it enabled me to savor the pacing of how it unfolded. It’s said youth is wasted on the young. Perhaps that’s true of good books as well. But I’m not sure. I’m glad I was exposed to these books, even though they defeated me at the time. I’m also happy I’ve lived long enough to return to them with the experience of reading good and bad books in the meantime. Kuuluu näihin kustantajien sarjoihinCollins Classics (19) — 26 lisää Everyman's Library (121) Limited Editions Club (S:22.03) Penguin English Library, 2012 series (2012-11) The Pocket Library (PL-27) Reader's Enrichment Series (RE 114) Zephyr Books (63) Sisältyy tähän:Silas Marner, Scenes From Clerical Life, and Other Stories (The Home Library) (tekijä: George Eliot) Romola / Silas Marner (tekijä: George Eliot) The Best-Known Novels of George Eliot: Adam Bede, The Mill on the Floss, Silas Marner, Romola (tekijä: George Eliot) Silas Marner / Brother Jacob (tekijä: George Eliot) Silas Marner / Middlemarch (tekijä: George Eliot) Silas Marner | The Pearl (tekijä: Jay E. Greene) Scenes of Clerical Life, Silas Marner, Adam Bede (Harper's Fireside Edition, Volume 1, 1885) (tekijä: George Eliot) George Eliot Six Pack - Middlemarch, Daniel Deronda, Silas Marner, The Lifted Veil, The Mill on the Floss and Adam Bede (tekijä: George Eliot) Works of George Eliot. The Mill on the Floss, Daniel Deronda, Adam Bede, Middlemarch, The Lifted Veil & more. (mobi) (tekijä: George Eliot) Novels of George Eliot in Five Volumes with Illustrations: Adam Bede; The Mill in the Floss; Silas Marner; Clerical Life; Felix Holt; Middlemarch (tekijä: George Eliot) George Elliot Works: 7 books - Middlemarch, Adam Bede, Daniel Deronda, Romola, Impressions of Theophrastus Such..., Silas Marner, Felix Holt, the Radical (George Elliot Works, 7 of ? in set) (tekijä: George Elliot) George Eliot Collection: The Complete Novels, Short Stories, Poems and Essays (Middlemarch, Daniel Deronda, Scenes of Clerical Life, Adam Bede, The Lifted Veil...) (tekijä: George Eliot) The Works of George Eliot, Cabinet Edition, 19 volumes: Adam Bede; Romola; Middlemarch; Mill on the Floss; Daniel Deronda; Scenes of Clerical Life; ... (tekijä: George Eliot) The Complete Novels of George Eliot - All 9 Novels in One Edition: Adam Bede, The Lifted Veil, The Mill on the Floss, Silas Marner, Romola, Brother Jacob, ... the Radical, Middlemarch & Daniel Deronda (tekijä: George Eliot) Silas Marner: The Weaver of Raveloe — Amos Barton (from Scenes of Clerical Life) — The Lifted Veil (tekijä: George Eliot) The Works of George Eliot: Vol. I - Adam Bede, The Mill on the Floss, Romola; Vol. II -- Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial life, Daniel Deronda; Vol. III -- Felix Holt, The Radical, Silas Marner, The Lifted Veil, Brother Jacob,Scenes from Clerical Life (tekijä: George Eliot) (epäsuora) Silas Marner; the Lifted Veil, Brother Jacob; the Impressions of Theophrastus Such & Poems (tekijä: George Eliot) The Works of George Eliot Volume III: Felix Holt, the Radical; Silas Marner; The Lifted Veil; Brother Jacob; Scenes from Clerical Life; Impressions of Theophrastus Such; The Legend of Jubal; The Spanish Gypsy, and Other Poems (tekijä: George Eilot) George Eliot Works: Silas Marner / The Lifted Veil / Brother Jacob and Scenes of Clerical Life (tekijä: George Eliot) Silas Marner, plus Scenes of a Clerical Life, The Lifted Veil, and Brother Jacob (tekijä: George Eliot) Silas Marner | Middlemarch (tekijä: George Eliot) SCENES OF A CLERICAL LIFE; MILL ON THE FLOSS; ESSAYS; DANIEL DERONDA; POEMS; ROMOLA/SILAS MARNER; MIDDLEMARCH (Works of (tekijä: George Eliot) The Complete Works of George Eliot: St. James Edition:; Volume VI:; Middlemarch Part III, Silas Marner, and Daniel Deronda Part I (tekijä: George Eliot) Silas Marner | Poems (tekijä: George Eliot) Sisältää nämä:Silas Marner (1/2) (tekijä: George Eliot) Silas Marner (2/2) (tekijä: George Eliot) Tämä on uudelleenkerrottu:Mukaelmia:Silas Marner [Penguin Readers] (tekijä: George Eliot) Silas Marner [1985 film] (tekijä: Giles Foster) Tämän tekstillä on selostus:Sisältää opiskelijan oppaanNotable Lists
Classic Literature.
HTML: Silas Marner is accused of stealing funds from his small Christian congregation. Presumed guilty by his community and rejected by the woman he loves, Silas leaves and lives as a recluse near Raveloe village. He takes refuge only in working and attaining wealth, until his precious gold is stolen from him. But a child, her mother found dead in the snow, is thrust into his life, changing it completely. Ultimately, Silas Marner is a redeeming story of love and loyalty. .Kirjastojen kuvailuja ei löytynyt. |
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Google Books — Ladataan... LajityypitMelvil Decimal System (DDC)823.8Literature English English fiction Victorian period 1837-1900Kongressin kirjaston luokitusArvio (tähdet)Keskiarvo:
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Interwoven with Marner's tale is the story of Godfrey Cass, son of a squire, who has secretly married and begotten a child with a woman addicted to opium. Godfrey is blackmailed by his brother, Dunstan, over this relationship, the same Dunstan
My Penguin Classics version provides a new introduction as well as appending the original introduction at the end. Both are equally enlightening as to George Eliot's intentions in writing the novel, particularly the contrast between the motivations of Silas and Godfrey and the rewards and punishments meted out to each for their actions and inactions. More than a story of redemption earned through virtue, Silas Marner is a commentary on the morality exhibited by the wealthy and poor in 18th century England, with a definite nod in favor of the latter. ( )