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A Year in the Garden: 365 Inspirational Gardens and Gardening Tips

Tekijä: Gisela Keil

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Whether you're planting your first flowers or perfecting your master garden, this luminous daybook takes you around the world of gardens for a daily dose of inspiration. Anyone who loves their garden knows that there's something happening in nature every day of the year. Whether it's the first crocus of spring, summer's explosion of colours, autumn's abundant harvest, or the renewing dormancy of winter these outdoor sanctuaries offer daily opportunities for investigation, contemplation, and appreciation. This stunning daybook offers 365 elegant photos of some of the world's most exquisite gardens, following the yearly cycle of growth and rebirth. Each photo is accompanied by engaging texts such as planting tips, design techniques, natural history, and botanical facts that provide both ideas and helpful information. In addition, there is room on each spread for gardeners to record and preserve their own daily observations and reflections. The perfect keepsake for gardeners of all levels of expertise, this beautiful daybook deepens the rewards of gardening all year round. AUTHOR: Gisela Keil is an avid gardener and has edited and authored numerous popular books on the subject. She lives in Germany. SELLING POINTS: * Illustrations: 365 days of gardens featuring stunning colour photography and informative texts for gardeners. * Hints and tips: Double page spreads include full color photography and helpful hints such as planting tips, design options, natural history and botanical facts. * Calendar order: Arranged in calendar order, this perpetual guide provides space for gardeners to record their own observations. * Perfect gift: A perfect gift, this book includes 365 images and 744 pages in an attractive format.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatArchiver, DanMacD, marymccaughey

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Whether you're planting your first flowers or perfecting your master garden, this luminous daybook takes you around the world of gardens for a daily dose of inspiration. Anyone who loves their garden knows that there's something happening in nature every day of the year. Whether it's the first crocus of spring, summer's explosion of colours, autumn's abundant harvest, or the renewing dormancy of winter these outdoor sanctuaries offer daily opportunities for investigation, contemplation, and appreciation. This stunning daybook offers 365 elegant photos of some of the world's most exquisite gardens, following the yearly cycle of growth and rebirth. Each photo is accompanied by engaging texts such as planting tips, design techniques, natural history, and botanical facts that provide both ideas and helpful information. In addition, there is room on each spread for gardeners to record and preserve their own daily observations and reflections. The perfect keepsake for gardeners of all levels of expertise, this beautiful daybook deepens the rewards of gardening all year round. AUTHOR: Gisela Keil is an avid gardener and has edited and authored numerous popular books on the subject. She lives in Germany. SELLING POINTS: * Illustrations: 365 days of gardens featuring stunning colour photography and informative texts for gardeners. * Hints and tips: Double page spreads include full color photography and helpful hints such as planting tips, design options, natural history and botanical facts. * Calendar order: Arranged in calendar order, this perpetual guide provides space for gardeners to record their own observations. * Perfect gift: A perfect gift, this book includes 365 images and 744 pages in an attractive format.

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