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The Exceptional Vera Good: A Life Beyond the Polka Dot Door

Tekijä: Nancy Silcox

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
This lively biography compellingly traces the exceptional life of Dr. Vera Good. Born in 1915 into an Old Order Mennonite family in Waterloo County, and now a centenarian, Vera Good made her mark as an educator, concluding her working career as an executive producer of children's programming for TV Ontario (1965-1981). She laid the conceptual design and was the first executive producer for the long-running children's series "Polka Dot Door," for which she received a Gemini award in 2000. Prior to her work with television she was highly regarded as an innovative educator and was one of the first female principals in the Toronto school system and the first female Inspector of Schools in Ontario. In her early 30s she served in India as a volunteer with Mennonite Central Committee (1946-1949), during the turbulent years when India gained independence. Her postsecondary education took her to diverse locations and institutions, including the Stratford Normal School, Goshen College (Indiana), Northwestern University (Chicago), and Columbia University (New York City) for her Doctor of Education.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatjwillisbarrie, collectionmcc

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This lively biography compellingly traces the exceptional life of Dr. Vera Good. Born in 1915 into an Old Order Mennonite family in Waterloo County, and now a centenarian, Vera Good made her mark as an educator, concluding her working career as an executive producer of children's programming for TV Ontario (1965-1981). She laid the conceptual design and was the first executive producer for the long-running children's series "Polka Dot Door," for which she received a Gemini award in 2000. Prior to her work with television she was highly regarded as an innovative educator and was one of the first female principals in the Toronto school system and the first female Inspector of Schools in Ontario. In her early 30s she served in India as a volunteer with Mennonite Central Committee (1946-1949), during the turbulent years when India gained independence. Her postsecondary education took her to diverse locations and institutions, including the Stratford Normal School, Goshen College (Indiana), Northwestern University (Chicago), and Columbia University (New York City) for her Doctor of Education.

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