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The Designing Your Life Workbook: A Framework for Building a Life You Can Thrive In

Tekijä: Bill Burnett

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63-421,530 (5)-
Design the most important project of all- your life. Based on the wildly popular Stanford course that started the life design movement, this notebook, which has a metallic spiral spine, frosted acetate cover, and elastic bellyband allows you to dig deeper into your curiosities, motivations, and skills; define your goals; and track your progress. Work through innovative option-generating tools and exercises, including- A Health/Work/Play/Love Dashboardtool to reflect on your work/life balance Questions to help you articulate your Lifeview and Workview and define your life design Compass Good Time Journal pagesto log your energy and engagement throughout the day Fold-out dotted paperfor mind mapping to generate new ideas and getting unstuck Worksheets to help you ideate alternate Odyssey Plans for different versions of the future you Charts for tracking your Life Design Interviews Whether you're a recent graduate, mid-career, or contemplating your encore life or retirement-and whether it's time to make that big move or you're just interested in making your current situation a little bit better-The Designing Your Life Workbook is your dynamic roadmap to building a joyful, fulfilling life that always holds the possibility of surprise. The gift format makes this workbook an inspiring keepsake that you'll want to reference in six months, a year, or even further to see how far you've come.… (lisätietoja)

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Design the most important project of all- your life. Based on the wildly popular Stanford course that started the life design movement, this notebook, which has a metallic spiral spine, frosted acetate cover, and elastic bellyband allows you to dig deeper into your curiosities, motivations, and skills; define your goals; and track your progress. Work through innovative option-generating tools and exercises, including- A Health/Work/Play/Love Dashboardtool to reflect on your work/life balance Questions to help you articulate your Lifeview and Workview and define your life design Compass Good Time Journal pagesto log your energy and engagement throughout the day Fold-out dotted paperfor mind mapping to generate new ideas and getting unstuck Worksheets to help you ideate alternate Odyssey Plans for different versions of the future you Charts for tracking your Life Design Interviews Whether you're a recent graduate, mid-career, or contemplating your encore life or retirement-and whether it's time to make that big move or you're just interested in making your current situation a little bit better-The Designing Your Life Workbook is your dynamic roadmap to building a joyful, fulfilling life that always holds the possibility of surprise. The gift format makes this workbook an inspiring keepsake that you'll want to reference in six months, a year, or even further to see how far you've come.

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