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Vineyard confidential : 350 years of scandals, eccentrics, and strange occurrences

Tekijä: Holly Nadler

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Mastering Color: A Practical Approachand Adding color to any canvas is both art and science. In fact, itand’s a discipline that can be explored and learned through the practical application of techniques that Al Gury has developed during his nearly 30 years of teaching at Americaand’s first fine arts institution, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Richly illustrated with more than 270 full color images, including masterpieces from the past 500 years of Western painting, this book offers the instruction every painter needs to confidently construct a painting with color. Color for Painters:and -Traces the use of color in Western art from the classical world to the present.and -Explores the use and properties of various pigments and materials.and -Reviews the evolving approaches to color (from tonaland toand pointillismand toand theand modernand use of color as psychological expression).and -Presents exercises for mixing and using paints.and -Offers step-by-step demonstrations of all the basic color genres and techniques. and Students, experienced painters, teachers, and anyone who appreciates fine art will treasure this exploration of paintingand’s and“wild beast.and”… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatSwiftLikeTaylor, ABVR, MVMuseum

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Mastering Color: A Practical Approachand Adding color to any canvas is both art and science. In fact, itand’s a discipline that can be explored and learned through the practical application of techniques that Al Gury has developed during his nearly 30 years of teaching at Americaand’s first fine arts institution, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Richly illustrated with more than 270 full color images, including masterpieces from the past 500 years of Western painting, this book offers the instruction every painter needs to confidently construct a painting with color. Color for Painters:and -Traces the use of color in Western art from the classical world to the present.and -Explores the use and properties of various pigments and materials.and -Reviews the evolving approaches to color (from tonaland toand pointillismand toand theand modernand use of color as psychological expression).and -Presents exercises for mixing and using paints.and -Offers step-by-step demonstrations of all the basic color genres and techniques. and Students, experienced painters, teachers, and anyone who appreciates fine art will treasure this exploration of paintingand’s and“wild beast.and”

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