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Clean electricity through advanced coal technologies

Tekijä: Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff

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Coal power is a major cause of air pollution and global warming and has resulted in the release of toxic heavy metals and radionuclides, which place communities at risk for long-term health problems. However, coal-fired power plants also currently fuel 41% of global electricity. Clean Electricity Through Advanced Coal Technologies discusses the environmental issues caused by coal power, such as air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and toxic solid wastes. This volume focuses on increasingly prevalent newer generation technologies with smaller environmental footprints than the existing coal-fired infrastructure throughout most of the world. These technologies include fluidized-bed combustion and gasification. It also provides an overview of carbon capture and sequestration technologies and closely examines the 2008 Kingston TVA spill, the largest fly ash release ever to have occurred in the United States. Each volume of the Handbook of Pollution Prevention and Cleaner Production covers manufacturing technologies, waste management, pollution issues, methods for estimating and reporting emissions, treatment and control techniques, worker and community health risks, cost data for pollution management, and cleaner production and prevention options.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatSteptoe.Johnson

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Coal power is a major cause of air pollution and global warming and has resulted in the release of toxic heavy metals and radionuclides, which place communities at risk for long-term health problems. However, coal-fired power plants also currently fuel 41% of global electricity. Clean Electricity Through Advanced Coal Technologies discusses the environmental issues caused by coal power, such as air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and toxic solid wastes. This volume focuses on increasingly prevalent newer generation technologies with smaller environmental footprints than the existing coal-fired infrastructure throughout most of the world. These technologies include fluidized-bed combustion and gasification. It also provides an overview of carbon capture and sequestration technologies and closely examines the 2008 Kingston TVA spill, the largest fly ash release ever to have occurred in the United States. Each volume of the Handbook of Pollution Prevention and Cleaner Production covers manufacturing technologies, waste management, pollution issues, methods for estimating and reporting emissions, treatment and control techniques, worker and community health risks, cost data for pollution management, and cleaner production and prevention options.

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