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Daughter of Atlas: A Novel of the Fall of Atlantis (Atlantis Fallen) (Volume 1)

Tekijä: Kirsten M. Corby

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The Empire of the Sea Kings is at risk. Will Priestess Herata save Atlantis, or destroy it? In a time before history, when the Great Ice still held the world in its frozen grip, the Sea Kings of Atlantis ruled the world for a thousand years. Their longships plied the waters of the Nine Seas, and extracted tribute from every land on their shores. But that storied reign may be about to end. Herata, the newly chosen Sea Priestess of Atlantis, comes to believe that the Earth itself may be in danger from the insatiable greed of Atlantis, which draws the power to fuel its mighty empire from the blood of the very Earth. At risk of her own life, Herata struggles against greed, indifference, and malevolent power to awaken the Empire of Atlantis to its danger, before it becomes too late. She is helped -- or hindered? -- by a friend she makes in the glittering court of the Sea Kings, Prince Branek of the island colony of Lacaon. He swears his loyalty -- but does he really support her cause? When Herata finds out, she must act on that knowledge, and quickly. But will she be too late?… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatScheherazade1001, notseb

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The Empire of the Sea Kings is at risk. Will Priestess Herata save Atlantis, or destroy it? In a time before history, when the Great Ice still held the world in its frozen grip, the Sea Kings of Atlantis ruled the world for a thousand years. Their longships plied the waters of the Nine Seas, and extracted tribute from every land on their shores. But that storied reign may be about to end. Herata, the newly chosen Sea Priestess of Atlantis, comes to believe that the Earth itself may be in danger from the insatiable greed of Atlantis, which draws the power to fuel its mighty empire from the blood of the very Earth. At risk of her own life, Herata struggles against greed, indifference, and malevolent power to awaken the Empire of Atlantis to its danger, before it becomes too late. She is helped -- or hindered? -- by a friend she makes in the glittering court of the Sea Kings, Prince Branek of the island colony of Lacaon. He swears his loyalty -- but does he really support her cause? When Herata finds out, she must act on that knowledge, and quickly. But will she be too late?

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