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Audette of Brookraven (The Eldentimber Series) (Volume 4)

Tekijä: Shari L. Tapscott

Sarjat: Eldentimber (4)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
12-1,644,451 (4.33)-
The Final Chapter in The Eldentimber SeriesWhen Audette pictured her wedding day, she never imagined leaving her intended at the altar. And though Irving, a prince with a reputation for trouble, never cared to picture the grand event (and had rather hoped he could somehow avoid it altogether), he certainly wouldn't have imagined being abandoned.But when Audette receives a cry for help from the mysterious, secret order she leads, the princess doesn't think twice about jilting Irving. With her brother and closest friend at her side, and her loyal order of knights anxiously awaiting her arrival, Audette travels to the distant island kingdom of Ptarma, not once expecting Irving to follow her.But that's exactly what he does.Now, trapped together until the ships sail again in spring, Audette must learn to get along with the infuriating prince if she's to track down the darkness that's wreaking havoc in the night. For in the shadows, the dark beast of legend looms, and only together will they have a chance of defeating it...… (lisätietoja)

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The Final Chapter in The Eldentimber SeriesWhen Audette pictured her wedding day, she never imagined leaving her intended at the altar. And though Irving, a prince with a reputation for trouble, never cared to picture the grand event (and had rather hoped he could somehow avoid it altogether), he certainly wouldn't have imagined being abandoned.But when Audette receives a cry for help from the mysterious, secret order she leads, the princess doesn't think twice about jilting Irving. With her brother and closest friend at her side, and her loyal order of knights anxiously awaiting her arrival, Audette travels to the distant island kingdom of Ptarma, not once expecting Irving to follow her.But that's exactly what he does.Now, trapped together until the ships sail again in spring, Audette must learn to get along with the infuriating prince if she's to track down the darkness that's wreaking havoc in the night. For in the shadows, the dark beast of legend looms, and only together will they have a chance of defeating it...

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