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Playboy: Helmut Newton

Tekijä: Helmut Newton

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
55-475,878 (3)-
FollowingPlayboy's celebrated fiftieth anniversaryPhotographs andCartoons comes an arresting retrospective of Helmut Newton, one of the 20th century's most influential photographers. Renowned for his carefully composed, almost cinematic shots, Newton's signature style makes for a dramatic counterpoint to the Playboy nudes known the world over. Collected between shimmering metallic covers are more than 150 color and black and white photographs. Here we see Newton's take on Playmates in Los Angeles, Nastassja Kinski playing out a fantasy with a doppelgnger doll, aLolita-esque travelog, and more. With a foreword by Hugh M. Hefner, an introduction by celebrated writer Walter Abish, and an afterword by Playboy's director of photography for the past 30 years, Gary Cole,Playboy: Helmut Newton is the definitive book of Newton nudes.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatoddbates, Lisarae21, malcolm_s, BKElwell, docvoltage

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FollowingPlayboy's celebrated fiftieth anniversaryPhotographs andCartoons comes an arresting retrospective of Helmut Newton, one of the 20th century's most influential photographers. Renowned for his carefully composed, almost cinematic shots, Newton's signature style makes for a dramatic counterpoint to the Playboy nudes known the world over. Collected between shimmering metallic covers are more than 150 color and black and white photographs. Here we see Newton's take on Playmates in Los Angeles, Nastassja Kinski playing out a fantasy with a doppelgnger doll, aLolita-esque travelog, and more. With a foreword by Hugh M. Hefner, an introduction by celebrated writer Walter Abish, and an afterword by Playboy's director of photography for the past 30 years, Gary Cole,Playboy: Helmut Newton is the definitive book of Newton nudes.

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