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Southern Lights: The Scottish Contribution to New Zealand's Lighthouses

Tekijä: Guinevere Nalder

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
Southern Lights recounts the story of how New Zealand'slighthouses were established through the transfer of technology from Scotland to New Zealand over a period of almost 90 years. This resulted in most of New Zealand's lighthouses being fully or partially built using Scottish materials and expertise.The major Scottish contribution was the professional servicesprovided by the firm founded by Robert Stevenson although by the time the first lighthouses were built in New Zealand, Robert had died and his eldest son Alan had retired.The firm of David and Thomas Stevenson thus took on the first commissions and its successor companies over a period of 80 years were Consulting Lighthouse Engineers to the New Zealand Government. They arranged tenders,advised on technology, supervised manufacture and despatch of lighthouse components and stores, and much more, proving invaluable to the New Zealand Agent-General in London.It was on this basis that in the period 1859 to 1941 38 major lighthouses were built; 30 of which were constructed between 1865 and 1897. Despite New Zealand's limited industrial base, this arrangement ensured they had access to Scottish lighthouse technology and expertise. Thirty-three were built using Scottish designed and built lanterns and apparatus and Scottish-designed lenses, although these wereof French or English manufacture. Of the other five, two were eventually replaced by Scottish lighthouses, two were upgraded with Scottish technology, and the fifth remains the sole example of English lighthouse design, although in its time was supplied with Scottish equipment. Scotland alsosupplied trained professionals who manned the lights, designed and administered them.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatRosiCrane

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Southern Lights recounts the story of how New Zealand'slighthouses were established through the transfer of technology from Scotland to New Zealand over a period of almost 90 years. This resulted in most of New Zealand's lighthouses being fully or partially built using Scottish materials and expertise.The major Scottish contribution was the professional servicesprovided by the firm founded by Robert Stevenson although by the time the first lighthouses were built in New Zealand, Robert had died and his eldest son Alan had retired.The firm of David and Thomas Stevenson thus took on the first commissions and its successor companies over a period of 80 years were Consulting Lighthouse Engineers to the New Zealand Government. They arranged tenders,advised on technology, supervised manufacture and despatch of lighthouse components and stores, and much more, proving invaluable to the New Zealand Agent-General in London.It was on this basis that in the period 1859 to 1941 38 major lighthouses were built; 30 of which were constructed between 1865 and 1897. Despite New Zealand's limited industrial base, this arrangement ensured they had access to Scottish lighthouse technology and expertise. Thirty-three were built using Scottish designed and built lanterns and apparatus and Scottish-designed lenses, although these wereof French or English manufacture. Of the other five, two were eventually replaced by Scottish lighthouses, two were upgraded with Scottish technology, and the fifth remains the sole example of English lighthouse design, although in its time was supplied with Scottish equipment. Scotland alsosupplied trained professionals who manned the lights, designed and administered them.

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