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Qualitative Research Methods for the Social…

Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences, Books a la Carte (9th Edition) (vuoden 2016 painos)

Tekijä: Howard Lune (Tekijä)

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For courses in Research Methods in Political Science and Sociology, and in Qualitative Research Methods   Raising questions, rather than giving answers Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences is written with the recognition that different researchers in different fields each bring their own needs and intentions to the process. Howard Lune and Bruce Berg aim to guide the reader through the process of research planning, carrying out one's projects, and making sense of the results. Each chapter provides examples of the best and worst approaches to the kinds of questions that arise with each form of research, as well as discussions of what makes an approach successful or not. Like its predecessors, the Ninth Edition stresses the importance of ethics in research and respect for subjects.   NOTE: This ISBN is for a Pearson Books a la Carte edition: a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf text. In addition to the flexibility offered by this format, Books a la Carte editions offer students great value, as they cost significantly less than a bound textbook.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences, Books a la Carte (9th Edition)
Kirjailijat:Howard Lune (Tekijä)
Info:Pearson (2016), Edition: 9, 448 pages
Kokoelmat:New Items, Oma kirjasto
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Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences, Books a la Carte (9th Edition) (tekijä: Bruce L. Berg)

Viimeisimmät tallentajatKigaliLibrary, sgardner, mhwilkinson, WNC_Library

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For courses in Research Methods in Political Science and Sociology, and in Qualitative Research Methods   Raising questions, rather than giving answers Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences is written with the recognition that different researchers in different fields each bring their own needs and intentions to the process. Howard Lune and Bruce Berg aim to guide the reader through the process of research planning, carrying out one's projects, and making sense of the results. Each chapter provides examples of the best and worst approaches to the kinds of questions that arise with each form of research, as well as discussions of what makes an approach successful or not. Like its predecessors, the Ninth Edition stresses the importance of ethics in research and respect for subjects.   NOTE: This ISBN is for a Pearson Books a la Carte edition: a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf text. In addition to the flexibility offered by this format, Books a la Carte editions offer students great value, as they cost significantly less than a bound textbook.

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