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The Coroner's Daughter Tekijä: Andrew…

The Coroner's Daughter (vuoden 2017 painos)

Tekijä: Andrew Hughes (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
652410,935 (3.74)-
Dublin, 1816. A young nursemaid conceals a pregnancy and then murders her newborn in the home of the Neshams, a prominent family in a radical Christian sect known as the Brethren. Rumors swirl about the identity of the child's father, but before an inquest can be held, the maid is found dead after an apparent suicide. When Abigail Lawless, the eighteen-year-old daughter of the city coroner, by chance discovers a message from the maid's seducer, she sets out to discover the truth. An only child, Abigail has been raised amid the books and instruments of her father's grim profession, and he in turn indulges her curious and critical mind. Now she must push against the restrictions society places on a girl her age to pursue an increasingly dangerous investigation. Abigail's searches begin to uncover the well-guarded secrets of two factions--the Christian Brethren and a burgeoning rationalist community--drawing the attention of a sinister figure who emerges in fleeting glimpses and second-hand reports: the man with the lazy eye. Determined, resourceful, and intuitive, Abigail Lawless emerges as a young lady sleuth operating at the dawn of forensic science.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The Coroner's Daughter
Kirjailijat:Andrew Hughes (Tekijä)
Info:Transworld Digital (2017), 331 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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The Coroner's Daughter (tekijä: Andrew Hughes)

mom (247)

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näyttää 2/2
Intellligent and caring characters, compelling plot, excellent dialog and timing.

Great read.
  Bookish59 | Sep 17, 2023 |
In certain ways this is a book that should be perfect for me but I suppose some of the anticipation somewhat soured it for me.
Abigail Lawless is eighteen and beginning to look at her future more seriously, she's heading into adulthood and her friends are too. Abigail is the daughter of the Dublin Coroner and her mother died when she was younger leaving her to be brought up with her fathers interests. Not that she isn't a person with interest in science, she writes letters to the Royal Society, one theorising why there was a year without a summer, and is frustrated somewhat by the limits set on her by society.
Her father isn't perfect but he does try and she wants more so she does what she can to grasp more. She does not approve of the limits and tries hard to circumvent them. But she also lives within that world and within the limits.
With a friend being drawn into a religious sect and one of the maids of that household found dead after she kills her infant, Abigail senses that not everything is as it seems. She feels compelled to investigate using the tools she has, sometimes haring off without thinking about possible consequences. Still there is an opening for a sequel and a possible romance on the cards.
I did enjoy it but the end felt incomplete somehow. It feels like a book I might enjoy more on a re-read. ( )
  wyvernfriend | Mar 6, 2023 |
näyttää 2/2
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Dublin, 1816. A young nursemaid conceals a pregnancy and then murders her newborn in the home of the Neshams, a prominent family in a radical Christian sect known as the Brethren. Rumors swirl about the identity of the child's father, but before an inquest can be held, the maid is found dead after an apparent suicide. When Abigail Lawless, the eighteen-year-old daughter of the city coroner, by chance discovers a message from the maid's seducer, she sets out to discover the truth. An only child, Abigail has been raised amid the books and instruments of her father's grim profession, and he in turn indulges her curious and critical mind. Now she must push against the restrictions society places on a girl her age to pursue an increasingly dangerous investigation. Abigail's searches begin to uncover the well-guarded secrets of two factions--the Christian Brethren and a burgeoning rationalist community--drawing the attention of a sinister figure who emerges in fleeting glimpses and second-hand reports: the man with the lazy eye. Determined, resourceful, and intuitive, Abigail Lawless emerges as a young lady sleuth operating at the dawn of forensic science.

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3.5 4
4 7
5 2

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