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Ladataan... Standing in the Fire: Courageous Christians Living in Frightening TimesTekijä: Tom Doyle
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Not Even ISIS Can Scare Them Off Followers of Christ need to relearn what it means to stand courageously for their faith rather than merely survive in a climate of fear. Instead of motivating believers to action, today's headlines appear to be paralyzing them. Standing in the Fire demonstrates the church triumphant through the lives of people who stood strong and didn't run away in the face of overwhelming danger. These Middle Eastern heroes of faith fear God more than terrorist groups like ISIS. Supported by Tom Doyle's commentary on events, the stories included show how these Christians are not living as victims, but victors in Christ. Kirjastojen kuvailuja ei löytynyt. |
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Google Books — Ladataan... LajityypitMelvil Decimal System (DDC)248.24Religions Christian Devotional Literature and Practical Theology Christian Life; experience and practice Religious experience ConversionKongressin kirjaston luokitusArvio (tähdet)Keskiarvo:
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