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Mindfulness: Living in the Moment Living in the Breath

Tekijä: Amit Ray

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
433,455,484 (5)-
Living in the moment - living in the breath is the foundation of mindfulness. In this book Dr. Ray explores mindfulness as an art of living in the moment and living in the breath. He explores mindfulness as the source of inspiration and inner peace. Ray explains how to apply mindfulness to everything we encounter so we can transcend unconscious habits that have imprisoned us for so long. He shows the ways to transform our fear, expectation, anger, regret, cravings, frustration, and fatigue into positive energy of love and compassion. The book is a treasury of wisdom. Dr. Ray presents us with information that can help us live long, healthy and happy lives. A selection of mindfulness practices of varying lengths and levels of difficulty provides challenges and inspiration for beginner, intermediate, and advanced meditators. There are about thirty mindfulness practices in the book. The book has five parts. It discusses the hierarchy of mindfulness, factors of mindfulness, micro-mindfulness, frameworks of mindfulness, goal setting and planning with mindfulness, and many other aspects of mindfulness. It explained several daily mindfulness meditation techniques in detail. Life is a collection of moments. In every moment there are so many miracles around us. Mostly we are unconscious about the miracles around us. In this book Dr. Ray helps us understand the miracles of the moments. . He shows us the ways and means to live in the moment and to live in the breath.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatSetti, Steve_Walker, Charlie_Boling, StMargarets

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Living in the moment - living in the breath is the foundation of mindfulness. In this book Dr. Ray explores mindfulness as an art of living in the moment and living in the breath. He explores mindfulness as the source of inspiration and inner peace. Ray explains how to apply mindfulness to everything we encounter so we can transcend unconscious habits that have imprisoned us for so long. He shows the ways to transform our fear, expectation, anger, regret, cravings, frustration, and fatigue into positive energy of love and compassion. The book is a treasury of wisdom. Dr. Ray presents us with information that can help us live long, healthy and happy lives. A selection of mindfulness practices of varying lengths and levels of difficulty provides challenges and inspiration for beginner, intermediate, and advanced meditators. There are about thirty mindfulness practices in the book. The book has five parts. It discusses the hierarchy of mindfulness, factors of mindfulness, micro-mindfulness, frameworks of mindfulness, goal setting and planning with mindfulness, and many other aspects of mindfulness. It explained several daily mindfulness meditation techniques in detail. Life is a collection of moments. In every moment there are so many miracles around us. Mostly we are unconscious about the miracles around us. In this book Dr. Ray helps us understand the miracles of the moments. . He shows us the ways and means to live in the moment and to live in the breath.

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