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Obstetrics & gynaecology

Tekijä: Lawrence Impey

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Praise for the previous edition: "...this textbook is a useful resource for medical students ... it will provide them with the basic information they need to survive clinics and to pass exams ... Clear, concise and colourful; perfect for easy learning and revision." --Times Higher Education Obstetrics and Gynaecology by Impey and Child continues to be an invaluable and authoritative resource for healthcare and medical students. This comprehensive guide provides the perfect level of detail on history and examination, investigations and diagnosis, as well as common diseases, abnormalities, and complications in gynaecology and obstetrics. Fully updated in accordance with NICE and other national guidelines, this fifth edition now includes: New sections on FGM and influenza Expanded areas in medical disorders in pregnancy and mental illness Improvements to the popular 'management' section along with a new section on sepsis Colour coded sections on obstetrics and gynaecology for ease of use This new edition of Obstetrics and Gynaecology will be an indispensable support to help not only students to revise for exams, especially OSCEs, but also healthcare practitioners and practising doctors to structure their knowledge and improve their practice.… (lisätietoja)

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Praise for the previous edition: "...this textbook is a useful resource for medical students ... it will provide them with the basic information they need to survive clinics and to pass exams ... Clear, concise and colourful; perfect for easy learning and revision." --Times Higher Education Obstetrics and Gynaecology by Impey and Child continues to be an invaluable and authoritative resource for healthcare and medical students. This comprehensive guide provides the perfect level of detail on history and examination, investigations and diagnosis, as well as common diseases, abnormalities, and complications in gynaecology and obstetrics. Fully updated in accordance with NICE and other national guidelines, this fifth edition now includes: New sections on FGM and influenza Expanded areas in medical disorders in pregnancy and mental illness Improvements to the popular 'management' section along with a new section on sepsis Colour coded sections on obstetrics and gynaecology for ease of use This new edition of Obstetrics and Gynaecology will be an indispensable support to help not only students to revise for exams, especially OSCEs, but also healthcare practitioners and practising doctors to structure their knowledge and improve their practice.

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