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The Paris Spy: A Maggie Hope Mystery…

The Paris Spy: A Maggie Hope Mystery (vuoden 2017 painos)

Tekijä: Susan Elia MacNeal (Tekijä)

Sarjat: Maggie Hope (7)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
3902967,559 (4.02)23
Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER American-born spy and code-breaker extraordinaire Maggie Hope secretly navigates Nazi-occupied France to find two brave women during the darkest days of World War II in the latest novel in this bestselling seriesa treat for WWII buffs and mystery lovers alike (Booklist, on The Prime Ministers Secret Agent).

Maggie Hope has come a long way since serving as a typist for Winston Churchill. Now shes working undercover for the Special Operations Executive in the elegant but eerily silent city of Paris, where SS officers prowl the streets in their Mercedes and the Ritz is draped with swastika banners. Walking among the enemy is tense and terrifying, and even though shes disguised in chic Chanel, Maggie cant help longing for home.

But her missions come first. Maggies half sister, Elise, has disappeared after being saved from a concentration camp, and Maggie is desperate to find herthat is, if Elise even wants to be found. Equally urgent, Churchill is planning the Allied invasion of France, and SOE agent Erica Calvert has been captured, the whereabouts of her vital research regarding Normandy unknown. Maggie must risk her life to penetrate powerful circles and employ all her talents for deception and spycraft to root out a traitor, find her sister, and locate the reports crucial to planning D-Day in a deadly game of wits with the Nazi intelligence elite.

Praise for The Paris Spy

Engrossing . . . A fast-paced climax leads to an ending that will leave readers eagerly awaiting the next installment.Publishers Weekly

With its riveting plot and cliff-hanger finish, this is a solid addition to a series as well researched as it is entertaining.Booklist

You will grieve with Paris. You will be outraged by the destruction. You will be terrified for all the heroes, be there with them every step, and care desperately that they succeed and survive. And perhaps above all, like me, you will be overwhelmed with their sacrifice for the freedom we still enjoy.Anne Perry, New York Times bestselling author of the Charlotte and Thomas Pitt series and the William Monk series

This has to be Maggie Hopes most exciting adventure yet. Vivid and fast-paced, crammed with authentic detail, The Paris Spy is an extraordinary trip through the edgy drama of wartime Paris, skillfully plotted and studded with cameos by real historical figures.Jane Thynne, author of the Clara Vine series.
… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The Paris Spy: A Maggie Hope Mystery
Kirjailijat:Susan Elia MacNeal (Tekijä)
Info:Bantam (2017), Edition: First Edition, 320 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


The Paris Spy (tekijä: Susan Elia MacNeal)


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» Katso myös 23 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 28) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
This is Book 7 of the Maggie Hope series. The time is 1942, and the setting is Paris, France, which was under Nazi occupation. Maggie works for the British SOE, but her trip to Pars is actually for her own mission. After the great job did in the previous book, she asked Winston Churchill himself to let her go to look for her half-sister who has gone missing in occupied France. Sporting an haute couture wardrobe and the name of of an Irish debutante, she sets out to find Elise. This series is not a series that can really satisfactorily be started in the middle of the series. There is always so much that happens in these books, that in order to understand the gist, you should start with Book 1-Mr. Churchill's Secretary. Yes, from these humble beginnings, smart as a whip Maggie Hope has worked her way up to be an agent in the Secret Service. Once she is in Paris, she becomes embroiled in an ongoing SOE operation that has already claimed the lives of a few agents. Maggie in her "legend"or persona as Paige Kelly, puts herself in grave danger trying to help her fellow agents, whilst still trying to locate her sister. As always Maggie is resourceful and using her wits, she manages to thwart a Nazi terrorism attack even while she is being held prisoner at SS Headquarters. The book does leave things very unsettled at the end, so now I will have to read Book 8, but I just whizzed through this one, and it held my interest throughout. I highly recommend this series to those who enjoy WWII thrillers and strong and forceful female characters. The book is peopled with both real and imagined characters, and just oozes authenticity about spy craft and deep, deep secrets of wartime England and France. ( )
  Romonko | Oct 11, 2023 |
With each installment, the author draws you further into Maggie Hope's world. And if you're like me, you thoroughly enjoy the ride and don't want it to end. I can't say enough good things about this series. The characters are well written. The dialogue is believable. The plot twists and turns are plausible. My favorite part though is the way the author weaves in actual historical characters into her fictional world. I highly recommend this series. ( )
  Fish_Witch | Jul 4, 2023 |
Plucky Maggie ventures to occupied Paris.
Sometimes I wonder about this series. Not for the first time, I wish there was a better eye to timing and continuity. How can broth be steaming and lukewarm a minute later? How can she travel easily and on time in war time France? ( )
  cathy.lemann | Mar 21, 2023 |
“Without the freedom to criticize, there is no true praise.”
I did not know this was the seventh book in a series when I picked this up. Hence, any mentions of Maggie Hope’s earlier exploits were unfamiliar to me but they were not very distracting from the story itself. But I should probably catch up on the other six soon so as not to miss out any of the adventures of Miss Hope.

Maggie, working as a spy for the Special Operations Executive or SOE calls in some favors to get airdropped to Paris on a mission to find a missing SOE agent. Hopefully, she also wants to find her half -sister who is not reachable. The remaining story follows Maggie through her journey in Paris, working with other spies, navigating the tricky milieu of occupied Paris, establishing a rapport with her sister, capture and ultimate escape from the Nazis.

Posing as a rich Irish bride in Paris shopping for her trousseau, her interactions with Coco Chanel and other prominent Parisians of the time show a very different side of the occupation. Life seems to go on normally for the rich, probably even better considering they are able to openly profess their anti-Semitism but there are also subtle forms of resistance from the ordinary people. The descriptions of the city, its life, fashions, the ballet etc are vivid and rich in detail and the book is very thrilling right until the end. It’s the shocking and callous twist at the end that had me dazed and I still can’t believe it happened. Hopefully, the next book comes out soon enough. But as brave, resourceful and brilliant as Maggie is, I am sure she will come out on the top.

“Our survival overrides any moral consideration. They are waging total war, and so we must have total commitment to winning. No country was ever saved by good men, because good men will not go to the length that may be necessary.” ( )
  ksahitya1987 | Aug 20, 2021 |
I really like these Maggie Hope books. They are not deep or heady, just totally enjoyable. The fundamental premise: it's WW II and a young American woman living in England gets a job as secretary to Winston Churchill and then quickly becomes a spy may be a bit far fetched. It is a further stretch of imagination when you learn the details of her complicated parentage and sibling -- but I can live with all that because I like her, and her friends and colleagues and the settings of her adventures, etc., etc. But this installment was just too much -- totally over the top. No spoilers, but be prepared for some serious eye rolling as you read this one. The story doesn't need this many twists and turns with Maggie always figuring it out and saving the day in less than believable ways. It totally detracts from the story to the point of being silly. I look forward to the next one in the series being a lot less silly, although the setup at the end of this book worries me it may be too similar. Loved the Coco Chanel cameo. ( )
  shearon | Mar 5, 2021 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 28) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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The German night has swallowed up the country... France is nothing but a silence; she is lost somewhere in the night with all the lights out. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery, An Open Letter to Frenchmen Everywhere
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In memory of Noor-Un-Nisa Inayat Khan, January 2, 1914-September 13, 1944, a Special Operations Executive (SOE) agent sent from Britain to Paris during World War II and posthumously awarded the George Cross for her courageous service
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Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER American-born spy and code-breaker extraordinaire Maggie Hope secretly navigates Nazi-occupied France to find two brave women during the darkest days of World War II in the latest novel in this bestselling seriesa treat for WWII buffs and mystery lovers alike (Booklist, on The Prime Ministers Secret Agent).

Maggie Hope has come a long way since serving as a typist for Winston Churchill. Now shes working undercover for the Special Operations Executive in the elegant but eerily silent city of Paris, where SS officers prowl the streets in their Mercedes and the Ritz is draped with swastika banners. Walking among the enemy is tense and terrifying, and even though shes disguised in chic Chanel, Maggie cant help longing for home.

But her missions come first. Maggies half sister, Elise, has disappeared after being saved from a concentration camp, and Maggie is desperate to find herthat is, if Elise even wants to be found. Equally urgent, Churchill is planning the Allied invasion of France, and SOE agent Erica Calvert has been captured, the whereabouts of her vital research regarding Normandy unknown. Maggie must risk her life to penetrate powerful circles and employ all her talents for deception and spycraft to root out a traitor, find her sister, and locate the reports crucial to planning D-Day in a deadly game of wits with the Nazi intelligence elite.

Praise for The Paris Spy

Engrossing . . . A fast-paced climax leads to an ending that will leave readers eagerly awaiting the next installment.Publishers Weekly

With its riveting plot and cliff-hanger finish, this is a solid addition to a series as well researched as it is entertaining.Booklist

You will grieve with Paris. You will be outraged by the destruction. You will be terrified for all the heroes, be there with them every step, and care desperately that they succeed and survive. And perhaps above all, like me, you will be overwhelmed with their sacrifice for the freedom we still enjoy.Anne Perry, New York Times bestselling author of the Charlotte and Thomas Pitt series and the William Monk series

This has to be Maggie Hopes most exciting adventure yet. Vivid and fast-paced, crammed with authentic detail, The Paris Spy is an extraordinary trip through the edgy drama of wartime Paris, skillfully plotted and studded with cameos by real historical figures.Jane Thynne, author of the Clara Vine series.

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