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101 Things to Definitely Not Do if You Want to Get a Chick

Tekijä: Will Forte

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
From the creator and star of Fox's hit comedy The Last Man on Earth, star of the cult film Macgruber, and beloved Saturday Night Live alum, a hilariously absurd cartoon gift book offering a wry commentary on modern relationships. In this outrageously funny and oddly wise guide to relationships, forty-five-year-old bachelor Will Forte shares his bulletproof advice for attracting-and retaining-a romantic partner of the fairer sex. Told in the form of 101 hand-drawn rules of thumb, the book takes on all the questions men are dying to know the answers to but are too afraid to ask: What activities are acceptable and not acceptable to do with a romantic interest's father? What animals, if any, should never be incorporated into foreplay? Should I claim to have collaborated with a famous poet? Combining wisdom, both practical and not, with idiosyncratic drawings so simple that even a romantically frustrated man-child could understand them, 101 Things to Definitely Not Do If You Want to Get a Chick gracefully answers these questions and ninety-eight others.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatjose.pires, ringthebell, eskymobeee, vickiayala

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From the creator and star of Fox's hit comedy The Last Man on Earth, star of the cult film Macgruber, and beloved Saturday Night Live alum, a hilariously absurd cartoon gift book offering a wry commentary on modern relationships. In this outrageously funny and oddly wise guide to relationships, forty-five-year-old bachelor Will Forte shares his bulletproof advice for attracting-and retaining-a romantic partner of the fairer sex. Told in the form of 101 hand-drawn rules of thumb, the book takes on all the questions men are dying to know the answers to but are too afraid to ask: What activities are acceptable and not acceptable to do with a romantic interest's father? What animals, if any, should never be incorporated into foreplay? Should I claim to have collaborated with a famous poet? Combining wisdom, both practical and not, with idiosyncratic drawings so simple that even a romantically frustrated man-child could understand them, 101 Things to Definitely Not Do If You Want to Get a Chick gracefully answers these questions and ninety-eight others.

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