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The Seaweed Cookbook

Tekijä: Xa Milne

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' Seaweed is like dynamite - it has fiber, nutrients, all the minerals, it aids digestion - unbelievable' Jamie Oliver Seaweed is one of the best superfoods on the planet and eating it provides a wide range of health benefits. From aiding weight loss to regulating blood sugar levels, this hero ingredient is an excellent source of vitamin C, protein and iron. In fact, it is the food source with the broadest range of minerals, and is readily available across the UK. In The Seaweed Cookbook, seaweed expert Xa Milne offers over 75 delicious, nutritious recipes. From snacks and small plates to drinks, mains and sweet treats, there's something for any time of the day, for all occasions- - Beetroot seaweed hummus - Salsa Verde with added umami - Life-saver seaweed rice - Grilled sea bass with tarragon, lemon and Shony - Lean green seaweed tonic smoothie - White bean and sausage stew with Dulse aioli - Thai pork balls with Kombu and chilli - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's foil-baked fish with smoked Dulse and garlic - Damson cranachan - Coconut, carrot and seaweed loaf As a healthy substitute for salt or as the centrepiece of your meal, incorporating seaweed into your daily diet is effortless with The Seaweed Cookbook.… (lisätietoja)

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' Seaweed is like dynamite - it has fiber, nutrients, all the minerals, it aids digestion - unbelievable' Jamie Oliver Seaweed is one of the best superfoods on the planet and eating it provides a wide range of health benefits. From aiding weight loss to regulating blood sugar levels, this hero ingredient is an excellent source of vitamin C, protein and iron. In fact, it is the food source with the broadest range of minerals, and is readily available across the UK. In The Seaweed Cookbook, seaweed expert Xa Milne offers over 75 delicious, nutritious recipes. From snacks and small plates to drinks, mains and sweet treats, there's something for any time of the day, for all occasions- - Beetroot seaweed hummus - Salsa Verde with added umami - Life-saver seaweed rice - Grilled sea bass with tarragon, lemon and Shony - Lean green seaweed tonic smoothie - White bean and sausage stew with Dulse aioli - Thai pork balls with Kombu and chilli - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's foil-baked fish with smoked Dulse and garlic - Damson cranachan - Coconut, carrot and seaweed loaf As a healthy substitute for salt or as the centrepiece of your meal, incorporating seaweed into your daily diet is effortless with The Seaweed Cookbook.

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