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Duffy's World: Seeing the World through a Dog's Eyes

Tekijä: Faith Mccune

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Have you ever wondered what your dog was thinking, especially as he's trying to make every neighborhood dog his own personal squeaky toy or wailing in panic on a car trip? In Duffy's World, curious humans finally have the chance to find out. Duffy is an Australian Shepherd with an unquenchable thirst for new experiences--that often get him into trouble. In this quirky memoir, Duffy reveals his thoughts about his most significant life events: finding "treats" in the yard, gaining a cat for a sister, braving a sadistic vet, losing loved ones, and more. Co-narrated by his owner, Faith McCune, Duffy's account identifies the joys and challenges that mark the territory of the human/canine relationship. As frustrating as dog ownership can be, readers will discover, as Duffy's owner did, that dogs' apparent failure to learn from the past is actually their relentless ability to live in the moment, and what seems to be their greatest challenge is actually their greatest gift. If you've ever found yourself wondering "why does my dog do that?" Duffy's World will help you better understand your pet--and maybe even learn from him as well.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatbaseballval, Jen_Fox-Williams

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Have you ever wondered what your dog was thinking, especially as he's trying to make every neighborhood dog his own personal squeaky toy or wailing in panic on a car trip? In Duffy's World, curious humans finally have the chance to find out. Duffy is an Australian Shepherd with an unquenchable thirst for new experiences--that often get him into trouble. In this quirky memoir, Duffy reveals his thoughts about his most significant life events: finding "treats" in the yard, gaining a cat for a sister, braving a sadistic vet, losing loved ones, and more. Co-narrated by his owner, Faith McCune, Duffy's account identifies the joys and challenges that mark the territory of the human/canine relationship. As frustrating as dog ownership can be, readers will discover, as Duffy's owner did, that dogs' apparent failure to learn from the past is actually their relentless ability to live in the moment, and what seems to be their greatest challenge is actually their greatest gift. If you've ever found yourself wondering "why does my dog do that?" Duffy's World will help you better understand your pet--and maybe even learn from him as well.

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