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The Autumn Throne: A Novel of Eleanor of…

The Autumn Throne: A Novel of Eleanor of Aquitaine (vuoden 2016 painos)

Tekijä: Elizabeth Chadwick (Tekijä)

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1854148,100 (3.95)2
The stunning conclusion to the Eleanor of Aquitaine trilogy. Imprisoned by her husband. Separated from her children. If King Henry II thought these things would push his queen into submission, he was wrong. Eleanor of Aquitaine refused to give into his tyranny. Freed by his death, she became dowager Queen of England. But the competition for land and power that Henry bred among his sons had grown into a dangerous rivalry that Eleanor must skillfully control. Eleanor would need every ounce of courage and fortitude as she crossed the Alps in winter to bring her son Richard his bride, ransom him from imprisonment and deal with his brother John's treachery. Her indomitable spirit would be tested to its limits as she attempted to keep the peace between her warring sons, fend off enemies, and negotiate a magnificent future for a chosen granddaughter.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The Autumn Throne: A Novel of Eleanor of Aquitaine
Kirjailijat:Elizabeth Chadwick (Tekijä)
Info:Sourcebooks Landmark (2016), 512 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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The Autumn Throne (tekijä: Elizabeth Chadwick)


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näyttää 4/4
Another great book by Elizabeth Chadwick and a good conclusion to the trilogy on Eleanor (or Alienor as in these books) of Aquitaine. Look forward to her next novel. ( )
  LisaBergin | Apr 12, 2023 |
Interesting take on the life of Eleanor of Aquitaine. Too romanticized for my tastes but well done and researched effort none the less. ( )
  LoisSusan | Dec 10, 2020 |
This is the final volume in the author's trilogy of novels on Eleanor of Aquitaine. It is as colourful as ever, as befits the subject matter of everything surrounding the Angevins. However, from a narrative point of view, a weakness of this autobiographical novel is that Eleanor (called Alienor here, as that is what she would have actually been called) spent much of the time from the early 1170s until her husband Henry II's death in 1189 in captivity in Sarum, with occasional permitted visits to Winchester for the Easter or Christmas court, and therefore cannot be a witness to many of the dramatic events of the time, so many chapters and scenes have to come to an end with a messenger coming bringing her the tidings of dramatic events which she perforce cannot experience herself. The author is intimately familiar with the details of the Angevin period, however, so this necessary absence does not detract too much from enjoyment of the novel. Eleanor of Aquitaine is like a force of nature, wife to two kings, one of France, one of England, mother of two kings of England and powerful Duchess in her own right, a woman who lived into her 80s in an era when few men or women lived much beyond their mid 50s, outliving nearly all of her children and seeing her grandchildren grow up. Emotionally absorbing stuff. ( )
  john257hopper | Mar 22, 2019 |
Alienor is being kept in isolation at Sarum, far from the court and her estranged husband Henry. Whilst a fragile peace has been maintained between Henry and their sons, Alienor knows that unless Henry gives the boys more freedom he will alienate them further. Alienor is a survivor and as her two eldest boys die, followed by Henry, it is up to her to support her dynasty against both the French king and themselves.

As ever, a new book by Elizabeth Chadwick is a real treat. Yes it is guilty pleasure for me, Chadwick writes historical fiction that is more historical romance and she embroiders much onto the facts but those facts are the solid base. The tale of Eleanor of Aquitaine is well-known but the personality of the woman less so whilst Chadwick takes huge liberties she also creates a a compelling romantic narrative. ( )
  pluckedhighbrow | Oct 22, 2017 |
näyttää 4/4
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The stunning conclusion to the Eleanor of Aquitaine trilogy. Imprisoned by her husband. Separated from her children. If King Henry II thought these things would push his queen into submission, he was wrong. Eleanor of Aquitaine refused to give into his tyranny. Freed by his death, she became dowager Queen of England. But the competition for land and power that Henry bred among his sons had grown into a dangerous rivalry that Eleanor must skillfully control. Eleanor would need every ounce of courage and fortitude as she crossed the Alps in winter to bring her son Richard his bride, ransom him from imprisonment and deal with his brother John's treachery. Her indomitable spirit would be tested to its limits as she attempted to keep the peace between her warring sons, fend off enemies, and negotiate a magnificent future for a chosen granddaughter.

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