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The Last Treasure Tekijä: Erika Marks

The Last Treasure (vuoden 2016 painos)

Tekijä: Erika Marks (Tekijä)

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2031,108,492 (4)-
"From the author of It Comes in Waves and The Guest House comes a novel of three lives entangled in the secrets of the sea and the enduring bonds of love. As students with a shared passion for shipwrecks, Liv, Sam, and Whit formed a close bond searching for the mysterious Patriot, a schooner that disappeared off the Carolina Coast in 1812 with Aaron Burr's daughter Theodosia aboard. But as the elusive ship drew them together, love would bring them even closer--and ultimately tear them apart. It's been seven years since Liv left Sam to be with Whit, and the once close-knit trio went their separate ways. Liv has given up her obsession with Theodosia Burr to focus on her career as a salvage diver and her passionate but troubled marriage to the reckless and hedonistic Whit. But when a diary of Theodosia's is discovered in a collector's estate, she is pulled back to the world of the Patriot, this time with startling new clues to what might have really happened. Diving back into the lost history of the Patriot could be just what Liv needs to find closure to a mystery that still haunts her. But when she and Whit reunite with Sam for one last salvage in North Carolina's Outer Banks, buried romantic tensions begin to resurface, and once again Liv must choose between two men with very different hearts"--… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The Last Treasure
Kirjailijat:Erika Marks (Tekijä)
Info:NAL (2016), 384 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Toivelista, Parhaillaan lukemassa, Aion lukea, Luettu, ei oma
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The Last Treasure (tekijä: Erika Marks)


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näyttää 3/3
In college, Liv met two interesting men the same day. She began to date Sam, who seemed the dependable, logical choice. She fell hard and fast and they spent years together.
Whit was always in the picture too. He came off as a bad boy at first, but as she got to know him she learned that he was very different than he seemed on the surface.

As a child, Liv's mother told her about a famous ship and a woman named Theodosia that disappeared after boarding.
Liv loses her mom very young and she feels a connect to Theodosia, they've had similar sadness in their lives. She longs to find out what happened to her.

Current day, Liv is married to Whit. A turn of events causes Sam to come back into their lives. Sam pursues Liv.
She is given another chance to see if she wound up with the right man, and the chance to pursue the mystery of Theodosia's disappearance again.

Well written. The pages flew by. Great characters. Fun storyline. I was worried it wouldn't wrap up everything by the end, but it certainly did.

( )
  Mishale1 | Dec 29, 2018 |
Wonderful reading about my favorite part of the NC coastline, the mysteries that the sea will never give up. This author just can't write them fast enough for me. ( )
  mchwest | Dec 10, 2016 |
A special thank you to Penguin and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Nice Cover!

Erika Marks returns following It Comes in Waves (2014) and The Guest House (2013) with THE LAST TREASURE, from the legends of shipwrecks of North Carolina, a novel of three lives entangled in the secrets of the sea and the enduring bonds of love.

The author writes of gems of the sea, from surfing, a lighthouse, and now in her latest, of lost treasures. From romance, mystery, history, and intrigue.

Based on the real-life story of the mysterious Patriot — a schooner that disappeared off the Carolina coast in 1813 with Aaron Burr’s daughter, Theodosia, aboard — The Last Treasure brings together three students with a passion for shipwrecks who embark on one last salvage mission.

Once a close-knit trio, Liv, Sam and Whit have drifted apart, especially since Liv left Sam for Whit nine years ago. Liv has given up her obsession with Theodosia Burr to focus on her career as a salvage diver and her fervent but troubled marriage to Whit.

But when a diary of Theodosia’s is discovered in the attic of a North Carolina beach house, Liv is pulled back into the world of the Patriot and the love triangle that will cause her to choose once and for all between two men with very different hearts.

Read more about the inspiration behind the fascinating story set in North Carolina’s Outer Banks.

As a North Carolina native, I always enjoy stories set in the area and the familiar landmarks. From legends, treasures, shipwrecks, with tidbits of history, to the love of the sea, Marks’ characters come alive on the pages.

Well-researched and intriguing, sprinkled with modern romance- Marks' delivers a compelling story for history buffs, and those who adore mysteries of the sea.

For those of you who have not visited the Outer Banks (OBX) highly recommend the 130-mile stretch of barrier islands just off the coast of North Carolina. Made up of quaint towns and sleepy fishing villages, each wonderfully weather worn to a varying degree. Even spanning hundreds of years and despite millions of visitors, each town retains its own individual character.

JDCMustReadBooks ( )
  JudithDCollins | Jul 20, 2016 |
näyttää 3/3
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"From the author of It Comes in Waves and The Guest House comes a novel of three lives entangled in the secrets of the sea and the enduring bonds of love. As students with a shared passion for shipwrecks, Liv, Sam, and Whit formed a close bond searching for the mysterious Patriot, a schooner that disappeared off the Carolina Coast in 1812 with Aaron Burr's daughter Theodosia aboard. But as the elusive ship drew them together, love would bring them even closer--and ultimately tear them apart. It's been seven years since Liv left Sam to be with Whit, and the once close-knit trio went their separate ways. Liv has given up her obsession with Theodosia Burr to focus on her career as a salvage diver and her passionate but troubled marriage to the reckless and hedonistic Whit. But when a diary of Theodosia's is discovered in a collector's estate, she is pulled back to the world of the Patriot, this time with startling new clues to what might have really happened. Diving back into the lost history of the Patriot could be just what Liv needs to find closure to a mystery that still haunts her. But when she and Whit reunite with Sam for one last salvage in North Carolina's Outer Banks, buried romantic tensions begin to resurface, and once again Liv must choose between two men with very different hearts"--

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