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Tea Cups and Carnage Tekijä: Lynn Cahoon

Tea Cups and Carnage (vuoden 2016 painos)

Tekijä: Lynn Cahoon (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
788346,950 (3.81)14
Fiction. Mystery. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

In a quaint California town, a new tea shop is drawing lots of attentionâ??and an occasional murderâ??in this mystery by the New York Times bestselling author.

The quaint coastal town of South Cove, California, is buzzing with excitement about the new specialty tea shop, Tea Heeâ??not to mention its beautiful owner, Kathi Corbin. But while the men in town are distracted by her looks, Jill Gardner, owner of the local bookshop café, senses something peculiar about the South Cove newcomer. Why, for instance, does Kathi get so pale and flustered when she hears that her sister Ivy is in town?

With a festival drawing plenty of tourists, everyone's focused on businessâ??until a dead body is found in a seedy motel and identified as someone connected to Kathi. Now the town is buzzing with suspicion, and it's up to Jill to clear Kathi's name without getting herself in hot water.
Includes an excerpt from A STORY TO KILL, Lynn Cahoon's BRAND NEW s
… (lisätietoja)

Teoksen nimi:Tea Cups and Carnage
Kirjailijat:Lynn Cahoon (Tekijä)
Info:Lyrical Underground (2016), 192 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Toivelista, Parhaillaan lukemassa, Aion lukea, Luettu, ei oma
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Tea Cups and Carnage (tekijä: Lynn Cahoon)


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» Katso myös 14 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
It’s a busy time for Jill, with the carnival in town, and for her detective boyfriend, when a murder takes place. So much happens in this tale, from missing bank deposits, to a reckless motorcyclist, to estranged sisters, to a shop owner’s mysterious absence, to a beating, and to a murder. Jill decides not to investigate this time, but just can’t help changing her mind. The story is delightful not only for the intricate mystery, but for watching the characters go about their everyday lives, filled with normal and not-so-normal problems. This is a fast-paced treat for cozy readers. ( )
  Maydacat | Dec 14, 2019 |
Easy and quick read.
  Karen74Leigh | Sep 4, 2019 |
I read a good book recently, y'all — Tea Cups and Carnage by Lynn Cahoon. Let me tell you a little about it.

Tea Cups and Carnage is the seventh book in the Tourist Trap Mystery series. I can attest to the fact that Tea Cups and Carnage can be read as a standalone, as this is the first Tourist Trap Mystery I have read. The main mystery, centering around Kathi and the murder, is interesting and easy to follow. There is a secondary mystery, concerning a missing check, that is also interesting.

The continuing characters' backstories are explained enough that I know who's who. I like Jill (main character and narrator), her co-workers at Coffee, Books, and More, and her boyfriend Greg, a police detective.

I'm a little confused, though, about why Jill feels she "must step in to clear" the suspect. To me, that's rather insulting to Greg and his ability as a detective. Also, I thought the sections concerning the festival and the library fundraising event were a little draggy.

These are totally my opinions, however. I suspect that anyone who has read the first six Tourist Trap books will love Tea Cups and Carnage. Also, if you were to start at the beginning of the series and read each book, I suspect that you will love Tea Cups and Carnage.

I like Tea Cups and Carnage by Lynn Cahoon, and grant it Three Kitties.

Note: I received a complimentary copy of Tea Cups and Carnage in exchange for my honest review. All opinions shared are 100% my own.

Originally published on my blog at Jane Reads.
( )
  Jane.Reads | Jun 29, 2017 |
This is the seventh installment in the Tourist Trap Mystery Series. Jill Gardner owns the Coffee/Book Store in South Cove California and is also very involved in the Business Owners Group. This is the second book in this series that I have read, but there is no problem following or understanding the story. I am definitely going to go back to the beginning of this series to catch up on the lives of Jill, Aunt Jackie, Sadie and the rest of the characters we meet.

It’s summertime in South Cove, California and everyone is getting ready for the Summer Festival on the beach. This is a big deal to the tourist town and Jill is going to open her new Food Truck on the beach for the festival. As well as the festival, there is a new shop owner in town. Kathi Corbin, former beauty queen and belle from Texas, is opening a tea shop to sell tea sets and tea called "Tea Hee" across the street from the Coffee/Book Store. Sadie, Jill and Aunt Jackie are also working hard on a fundraiser for the school library so they have a lot on their plates to juggle. When the $3000.00 cheque from the town to cover the rental for the fundraiser turns up missing, Jill and Aunt Jackie are worried it could be one of their trusted employees with their hand in the till.

The problem with festivals, is they sometimes bring in the wrong type of people and unfortunately, a couple of guys on motorcycles show up in South Cove and cause problems with their dangerous driving. When Aunt Jackie gets hurt and one of the motorcycle guys ends up dead, the mystery begins. It’s not long before Jill realizes the mystery surrounds Kathi when her sister shows up looking for a job the evidence in the murder points towards Kathi.

Jill, is dating police detective Greg King, and he has asked her to keep her nose out of his investigations and they will get along just fine. In the past Jill has put herself in danger on more than one occassion. Can she keep her promise to Greg to stay out of his investigation? Will she end up putting herself of someone else in danger?

I have really enjoyed both books I have read in this series. I like how the relationships of the co-workers, friends, relatives and of course Jill and Greg, fit together. They are fun, respectful and love to help each other. The romance between Jill and Greg is nice and is not overpowering in the story. It is interesting to see them interact and I am looking forward to seeing their relationship progress at a steady pace. There are other romantic relationships in the story, but again, they are natural and normal, not sweep you off your feet.

The culprit in this story was very different than what I would expect in a cozy mystery, but it was interesting and fit nicely. The way all the ends were pulled together was a nice surprise. I am looking forward to my next visit to South Cove, California. I recommend this story to cozy mystery lovers as well as those who like to travel to small towns for that special ambience.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via netgalley in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  Carlathelibrarian | Aug 22, 2016 |
Returning to South Cove always makes me wish I could plan to be a tourist there too. With a diverse business district, a tuned in chamber and restaurants galore, it seems to be the perfect fit for any vacation. Newcomers to town, who are also sisters, create the mystery this time. Kathi plans to open a tea shop and instead of worrying about the effect on her own coffee sales, Jill explores carrying a variety of Kathi's tea. Jill's boyfriend Greg, although not completely in favor of her sleuthing, doesn't come down to hard on her either. With Jill's aunt, co-workers and fellow business owners rounding out this cast of wonderful characters it doesn't take long to feel right at home again. The continuity between the stories is excellent. I also liked the cameo by Cat Latimer, who will be the heroine in Cahoon's new series this fall. ( )
  ethel55 | Jul 1, 2016 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Fiction. Mystery. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

In a quaint California town, a new tea shop is drawing lots of attentionâ??and an occasional murderâ??in this mystery by the New York Times bestselling author.

The quaint coastal town of South Cove, California, is buzzing with excitement about the new specialty tea shop, Tea Heeâ??not to mention its beautiful owner, Kathi Corbin. But while the men in town are distracted by her looks, Jill Gardner, owner of the local bookshop café, senses something peculiar about the South Cove newcomer. Why, for instance, does Kathi get so pale and flustered when she hears that her sister Ivy is in town?

With a festival drawing plenty of tourists, everyone's focused on businessâ??until a dead body is found in a seedy motel and identified as someone connected to Kathi. Now the town is buzzing with suspicion, and it's up to Jill to clear Kathi's name without getting herself in hot water.
Includes an excerpt from A STORY TO KILL, Lynn Cahoon's BRAND NEW s

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