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Valley of the Moon: A Novel Tekijä: Melanie…

Valley of the Moon: A Novel (vuoden 2016 painos)

Tekijä: Melanie Gideon (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
18967144,999 (3.93)3
"The author of the critically acclaimed Wife 22 has written a captivating novel about a love that transcends time--perfect for readers of The Time Traveler's Wife, Time and Again, and the novels of Sarah Addison Allen. San Francisco, 1975.A single mother, Lux Lysander is overwhelmed, underpaid, and living on the edge of an emotional precipice. When her adored five-year-old son is away visiting his grandparents, Lux takes a solo trip to Sonoma Valley--a chance to both lose herself and find herself again. Awakened at midnight, Lux steps outside to see a fog settled over the Sonoma landscape. Wandering toward a point of light in the distance, she emerges into a meadow on a sunny day. There she meets a group of people whose sweetly simple clothing, speech, and manners almost make them feel like they are from another time. And then she realizes they are. Lux has stumbled upon an idyllic community cut off not only from the rest of the world but from time itself. The residents of Greengage tell a stunned and disoriented Lux that they've somehow been marooned in the early twentieth century. Having inexplicably stepped into the past, it is not long before Lux is drawn in by its peace and beauty. Unlike the people of Greengage, Lux discovers that she is able to come and go. And over the years, Lux finds herself increasingly torn between her two lives. Her beloved son is very much a child of the modern world, but she feels continually pulled back to the only place she has ever truly felt at home. A gorgeous, original, and deeply moving novel about love and longing and the power that time holds over all of us, Valley of the Moon is unforgettable. Praise for Melanie Gideon's Wife 22 "This modern-day, mixed-media comedy of manner is as up-to-the-minute as your favorite Twitter feed."--The Washington Post "An LOL Instagram about love in a wired world."--People "Vibrant, au courant, and hilarious. brilliant!"--Adriana Trigiani "Channels the playful but incisive vibe of Nora Ephron's You've Got Mail."--NPR "Fresh and funny. a delightful, thoroughly modern, guilty pleasure of a read."--San Francisco Chronicle "A skillful blend of pop-culture references, acidic humor, and emotional moments. It will take its rightful place. alongside Helen Fielding's Bridget Jones's Diary, Anna Maxted's Getting Over It, and Allison Pearson's I Don't Know How She Does It."--Library Journal (starred review) "I loved it, loved it, loved it. It's so funny and true and sad and real and clever. also so hopeful and wise and ultimately heartwarming."--Marian Keyes"-- "Lux is a single mom struggling to make her way in the world when she stumbles across an idyllic town in the Sonoma valley where she feels instantly at home. It seems like a place from another time--until she realizes it actually is. One night in 1906, an earthquake left Greengage stuck in the past. Lux must keep one foot in her world, raising her son as well as she can with the odds stacked against her, but every day she is more strongly drawn in by the sweet simplicity of life in Greengage, and by the irresistible connection she feels with a man born decades before her time. Soon she finds herself torn between her ties to the modern world-- her adored son--and the first place she has ever felt truly at home"--… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Valley of the Moon: A Novel
Kirjailijat:Melanie Gideon (Tekijä)
Info:Ballantine Books (2016), 416 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Toivelista, Parhaillaan lukemassa, Aion lukea, Luettu, ei oma
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Valley of the Moon (tekijä: Melanie Gideon)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 66) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
Melanie Gideon's Valley of the Moon, a time-travel book with a romance element, is told in alternating viewpoint chapters: that of Joseph, living at the turn of the 20th century in Greengage, a kind of commune in the Bay Area, and that of Lux, a single mother of a biracial child living in 1975 San Francisco and working as a waitress to make ends meet. Joseph's community in the Valley of the Moon experiences the earthquake that rocked San Francisco in 1906, but in a very different way: they find themselves surrounded by a thick, poisonous fog, cutting them off completely from the outside world. Until one day, when Lux walks out of the fog and into their lives.

Lux, for her part, has just reluctantly shipped off her young son Benno to visit her estranged parents in New England for a month. She decides to go camp in the Valley of the Moon one night, and awakens to find herself surrounded by fog. She walks through, and meets Joseph, his wife Martha, his sister Fancy, and the rest of the people who make up Greengage. Joseph left his wealthy life in Europe and founded the community based on the principles his warm-hearted, egalitarian mother lived by: everyone works, and everyone's work is valued. Lux finds herself enjoying her time in the past, and develops a rough estimate of how time passes in Greengage relative to the real world, allowing her to make periodic visits without being missed.

Well, mostly. Two major developments in the book stem from time working differently than it was "supposed" to. If you're a reader who wants a logical explanation for the events of the books you read, this will likely be bothersome. But for me, I found it kind of refreshing that there was never any real attempt at an explanation of how or why the time travel happened or worked. It's a device that can cause many a plot hole if there's too strong an attempt to get into the mechanics of it, and I think that for all practical intents and purposes, you either have to buy into time travel in a story or put it down. Besides, Valley of the Moon isn't trying to tell a story about particle physics or whatever it might be that would make time travel possible. It's a story about two people, from two different times, building a connection.

The immediate comparison to be made for any time travel relationship story is The Time Traveler's Wife. Which is a high bar to clear, because many people (myself included) really liked that book. And while this one isn't as good, I was still surprised at how much I did enjoy it. It's not the type of book I'm usually drawn to, but Gideon paints interesting, complex characters (particularly Lux) and tells a compelling story about them. I liked the way she handled the romance, neatly sidestepping the insta-love that drives me up the wall about a lot of books in the genre and instead giving it time to develop organically. I also liked that it wasn't the most important element of the narrative: Lux's relationships with her family, friends and co-workers, and her own personal development, are all given plenty of space to grow. This novel isn't going to change anyone's world, but it's easy and pleasurable to read, and that's what counts at the end of the day. I'd recommend it to anyone. ( )
  ghneumann | Jun 14, 2024 |
If there is one genre I love is it time travel, especially when it's well-done. Like this story. I just love how Lux stumbles into the past, to a little community stuck in time and, then as the years pass by she keeps going back. Only telling her best friend about it. Although the best friend isn't that sure that Lux is telling the truth. I keep wondering why she just didn't accompany Lux to the Valley of the Moon to find out the truth. I would it a heartbeat, I mean if your best friend tells you she has found a community stuck in time, wouldn't you try to find out if she is telling the truth or is barking mad?

Lux is a fabulous character, a young single mother, estranged from her family. She finds herself truly enjoying the life in Greengage. And, her heart is torn between the peace there and her life in the 70s San Francisco.

Anyway, there is also a lot of heartache in the story, without giving away too much of the story is time moving differently in the hidden community contrary to present time and that will have some consequences. Then, there is the ending, such a bittersweet ending. It broke my heart.

Valley of the Moon is a fabulous time travel novel, with a mesmerizing, occasionally sad story, but there is also a sweet love story for those that enjoy it (even I did). I recommend it warmly!

I want to thank Harper Collins for providing me with a free copy through NetGalley for an honest review! ( )
  MaraBlaise | Jul 23, 2022 |
While camping alone in the California wilderness, Lux awakens in the night under a full moon and is drawn toward a faint light she can see through the thick fog. She emerges into a sunny clearing, startling a large community of people wearing old-fashioned clothing who had been enjoying breakfast. To her shock and disbelief (actually, it's mutual), Lux has stumbled upon an enclave of folks still trapped in 1906. Following the San Francisco earthquake, a lethal fog surrounded their valley, and they have been unable to leave. Though Lux feels at home at Greengage farm, and in fact has never felt more alive or purposeful, she knows she must return to 1975 and to her five-year-old son. On the next full moon, however, she plans another trek through the fog...

I love stories involving time travel, so how have I not heard anyone talking about this book? It was fun and captivating, and I didn't want it to end. There were a few holes in the plot that were unsatisfactorily explained. For example, since they were isolated, how did members of the Greengage community catch an infectious disease, if not from Lux? Was it merely a plot device? Turns out that yes, yes it was — sorry, Martha!) The author also gets a little loosey goosey with period language, as well as phone answering machines and when they became ubiquitous in American households, but I was so enjoying myself that I had to let it go. ( )
  ryner | Feb 18, 2022 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
It took me awhile to get in to this book at first. I would say about a third of the way in it really starts getting good. There were two paragraphs in the book, one in the first chapter the other was closer to the end, that just seemed out of place and the context of the paragraph confused me a little as to what just happened. I think it was just the wording. Other than that I think it is a beautifully written story. I love the main character Lux. She goes through so much in the book and develops wonderfully. The time travel aspect is very interesting. It felt very different from other ways of time travel and I liked that they weren't in control of it and just when they thought they had it figured out, something would change to contradict what they assumed. Near the end of the book is very heartbreaking and I wasn't expecting it. The end of the book tied everything up nicely though and it kept me up thinking all night. I love when books do that!

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Ballantine Books and Melanie Gideon for the wonderful story! ( )
  KeriLynneD | Jul 3, 2020 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
I'm not comfortable giving this book a rating since I didn't get far enough to feel like it would be fair, but I just couldn't engage with the story for some reason. I didn't feel invested in the main character's fate.
  amysisson | Jun 23, 2020 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 66) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.
 —Soren Kierkegaard
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
For Sarah and Vasant Gideon
Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
The smell of buttered toast was a time machine.
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"The author of the critically acclaimed Wife 22 has written a captivating novel about a love that transcends time--perfect for readers of The Time Traveler's Wife, Time and Again, and the novels of Sarah Addison Allen. San Francisco, 1975.A single mother, Lux Lysander is overwhelmed, underpaid, and living on the edge of an emotional precipice. When her adored five-year-old son is away visiting his grandparents, Lux takes a solo trip to Sonoma Valley--a chance to both lose herself and find herself again. Awakened at midnight, Lux steps outside to see a fog settled over the Sonoma landscape. Wandering toward a point of light in the distance, she emerges into a meadow on a sunny day. There she meets a group of people whose sweetly simple clothing, speech, and manners almost make them feel like they are from another time. And then she realizes they are. Lux has stumbled upon an idyllic community cut off not only from the rest of the world but from time itself. The residents of Greengage tell a stunned and disoriented Lux that they've somehow been marooned in the early twentieth century. Having inexplicably stepped into the past, it is not long before Lux is drawn in by its peace and beauty. Unlike the people of Greengage, Lux discovers that she is able to come and go. And over the years, Lux finds herself increasingly torn between her two lives. Her beloved son is very much a child of the modern world, but she feels continually pulled back to the only place she has ever truly felt at home. A gorgeous, original, and deeply moving novel about love and longing and the power that time holds over all of us, Valley of the Moon is unforgettable. Praise for Melanie Gideon's Wife 22 "This modern-day, mixed-media comedy of manner is as up-to-the-minute as your favorite Twitter feed."--The Washington Post "An LOL Instagram about love in a wired world."--People "Vibrant, au courant, and hilarious. brilliant!"--Adriana Trigiani "Channels the playful but incisive vibe of Nora Ephron's You've Got Mail."--NPR "Fresh and funny. a delightful, thoroughly modern, guilty pleasure of a read."--San Francisco Chronicle "A skillful blend of pop-culture references, acidic humor, and emotional moments. It will take its rightful place. alongside Helen Fielding's Bridget Jones's Diary, Anna Maxted's Getting Over It, and Allison Pearson's I Don't Know How She Does It."--Library Journal (starred review) "I loved it, loved it, loved it. It's so funny and true and sad and real and clever. also so hopeful and wise and ultimately heartwarming."--Marian Keyes"-- "Lux is a single mom struggling to make her way in the world when she stumbles across an idyllic town in the Sonoma valley where she feels instantly at home. It seems like a place from another time--until she realizes it actually is. One night in 1906, an earthquake left Greengage stuck in the past. Lux must keep one foot in her world, raising her son as well as she can with the odds stacked against her, but every day she is more strongly drawn in by the sweet simplicity of life in Greengage, and by the irresistible connection she feels with a man born decades before her time. Soon she finds herself torn between her ties to the modern world-- her adored son--and the first place she has ever felt truly at home"--

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