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Turning Suffering Inside Out (2000)

Tekijä: Darlene Cohen

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
54-485,597 (4.75)3
"Darlene Cohen discovered the secret to finding happiness in the midst of debilitating pain. She shares her knowledge in her popular workshops and now in this book. Cohen, who has suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for eighteen years, was hobbling painfully to her local Zen center one day, when she made a discovery that changed her life- if she focused on the foot that was in the air rather than the one that was hitting the pavement, her stamina increased enormously. It was the beginning of a completely different approach to the crippling pain that had beset her for so long. As she demonstrates here, this approach can be expanded to all types of pain- physical, psychological, and spiritual. Cohen-a certified massage and movement therapist and Zen teacher-proposes a radically liberating alternative to the usual desperate search for pain relief- paradoxically, she says, release from suffering lies in paying closer attention to it. When we keep pain at bay, we keep pleasure at bay, too. The two are interdependent, and our ability to experience each is totally dependent on our understanding of the other. ""Enrich your life exponentially,"" Cohen advises. If yo… (lisätietoja)

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"Darlene Cohen discovered the secret to finding happiness in the midst of debilitating pain. She shares her knowledge in her popular workshops and now in this book. Cohen, who has suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for eighteen years, was hobbling painfully to her local Zen center one day, when she made a discovery that changed her life- if she focused on the foot that was in the air rather than the one that was hitting the pavement, her stamina increased enormously. It was the beginning of a completely different approach to the crippling pain that had beset her for so long. As she demonstrates here, this approach can be expanded to all types of pain- physical, psychological, and spiritual. Cohen-a certified massage and movement therapist and Zen teacher-proposes a radically liberating alternative to the usual desperate search for pain relief- paradoxically, she says, release from suffering lies in paying closer attention to it. When we keep pain at bay, we keep pleasure at bay, too. The two are interdependent, and our ability to experience each is totally dependent on our understanding of the other. ""Enrich your life exponentially,"" Cohen advises. If yo

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