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Reggie & Ryssa and the Scavenger Hunt (Reggie & Ryssa, #2)

Tekijä: Bo Savino

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2-5,291,263 (5)-
By the end of the twins' eighth grade school year, Ryssa has withdrawn from everyone around her. Reggie suspects that Ryssa is starting to lose control of Darkwind, which he knows will lead to the Faery elders breaking her bond with the Sprite, and most likely insanity...and that's if she-and he as her twin-survive it. Their adopted mother, Debra Chambly, grows sicker with each passing day. Reggie & Ryssa return to Faery for another summer of competition, with more Potentials mysteriously eliminated and the Seelie and Unseelie Courts moving toward the brink of a Faery war. The twins find changes to their training schedule and a series of impossible tasks set before them as they work together with their team to gather the strange list of items for a Faery Scavenger Hunt. New adventures await them as the twins are attacked by Shadows, swept up in a Midsummer's Eve Wild Hunt of the Fey, and face down the only known dragon left in the world of Faery!… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatWarrik, DanaBurkey

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By the end of the twins' eighth grade school year, Ryssa has withdrawn from everyone around her. Reggie suspects that Ryssa is starting to lose control of Darkwind, which he knows will lead to the Faery elders breaking her bond with the Sprite, and most likely insanity...and that's if she-and he as her twin-survive it. Their adopted mother, Debra Chambly, grows sicker with each passing day. Reggie & Ryssa return to Faery for another summer of competition, with more Potentials mysteriously eliminated and the Seelie and Unseelie Courts moving toward the brink of a Faery war. The twins find changes to their training schedule and a series of impossible tasks set before them as they work together with their team to gather the strange list of items for a Faery Scavenger Hunt. New adventures await them as the twins are attacked by Shadows, swept up in a Midsummer's Eve Wild Hunt of the Fey, and face down the only known dragon left in the world of Faery!

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