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Groovy 70s: Fashion Coloring Book for…

Groovy 70s: Fashion Coloring Book for Adults: Adult Coloring Books Fashion, 1970s Coloring Book (vuoden 2016 painos)

Tekijä: LightBurst Media (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
932,005,612 (4.6)-
Relax, Unwind, De-Stress, and Color In Your Dreams With These 35 Groovy 70s Fashion Detailed Illustrations. Imagine putting on some 70s disco tunes and sitting down to relax and color your way through the fashions and trends of the 1970s. These detailed illustrations will teleport you back to a world where bell bottoms, platform shoes, tie-dye, jumpsuits, and disco were born. Pick a page that jumps out to you and let the fun begin! ***See a teaser with all the pages in Groovy 70s on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch'v=hr8SLxF2LmI LightBurst Media is committed to bringing you fun and unique adult coloring books for you to relax and enjoy! We are quickly becoming an Amazon favorite adult coloring book brand and hope you enjoy our coloring books! What you can expect from Groovy 70s: FUN hand-drawn fashion pages, no computer generated or stock images here!   Clothing, hair styles, accessories and trends from 1970-1979   Images printed single sided   Detailed stress relieving designs perfect for both Adults and Teens   A great gift for people that like 70s stuff and retro fashion Bonus: A 70s playlist of groovy disco tunes   Pick up your copy of Groovy 70s today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of the page for a fun way to relax and unwind!… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Groovy 70s: Fashion Coloring Book for Adults: Adult Coloring Books Fashion, 1970s Coloring Book
Kirjailijat:LightBurst Media (Tekijä)
Info:LightBurst Media (2016), 88 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):****


Groovy 70s: Fashion Coloring Book for Adults (tekijä: LightBurst Media)


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näyttää 3/3
This review was written for LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
I love this coloring book! It's so detailed and it even comes with a suggested playlist to listen to for inspiration while you're coloring. There are some pages i don't care for, but that is something everyone experiences with coloring books. If you are into the hippie/disco designs, I would highly recommend getting this book. I received a digital copy for an honest review, and honest, you will adore this! ( )
  Zachrissy | Jul 7, 2016 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
Another book from LightBurst Media and once again I am not disappointed. Illustrations are nicely detailed and pages are filled as much as possible with amazing backgrounds. I love all of the patterns, flowers and of course fashion. I definitely recommend it!

I received a digital copy of this book via Member Giveaway on LibraryThing in an exchange for an honest review. ( )
  afrikaan | May 7, 2016 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
Far out pictures representative of 70's clothing that brings back the excitement of the era. The theme is based on songs of the era. Designs are intricate and fun to color. I had some uncolored ones out when daughter-in-law and 2nd grader came over, and they promptly made off with them!
Thank you, LibraryThing giveaways! ( )
  jetangen4571 | Apr 29, 2016 |
näyttää 3/3
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Relax, Unwind, De-Stress, and Color In Your Dreams With These 35 Groovy 70s Fashion Detailed Illustrations. Imagine putting on some 70s disco tunes and sitting down to relax and color your way through the fashions and trends of the 1970s. These detailed illustrations will teleport you back to a world where bell bottoms, platform shoes, tie-dye, jumpsuits, and disco were born. Pick a page that jumps out to you and let the fun begin! ***See a teaser with all the pages in Groovy 70s on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch'v=hr8SLxF2LmI LightBurst Media is committed to bringing you fun and unique adult coloring books for you to relax and enjoy! We are quickly becoming an Amazon favorite adult coloring book brand and hope you enjoy our coloring books! What you can expect from Groovy 70s: FUN hand-drawn fashion pages, no computer generated or stock images here!   Clothing, hair styles, accessories and trends from 1970-1979   Images printed single sided   Detailed stress relieving designs perfect for both Adults and Teens   A great gift for people that like 70s stuff and retro fashion Bonus: A 70s playlist of groovy disco tunes   Pick up your copy of Groovy 70s today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of the page for a fun way to relax and unwind!

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